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A/N Hello guys(: sorry if you were expecting a one shot, but sadly, this is not. I have a couple of things I need to discuss/ask! I'll try to make this quick.

So first on the agenda, I need prompts! If you haven't noticed, I haven't been updating. It's been ONE MONTH since my last update, crazy right?! I've been itchin to write something, but I have no inspiration or ideas. If you want to submit a prompt just check out the first page or the bio and fill it out, message it to me, and you'll get a dedication to your prompt. I'll try really REALLY hard to make it good(:

Second, I really need a new cover page. Like I desperately need a cover page. If you make cover pages and you're willing to make me one can you please please PLEASE message me? I don't know what I an offer, but if you want something just message it to me. I need one for my one shot books and I may need one later if I do a story.

Last, I want to let you know that I'm just changing this to a full blown boyxboy one shot book. So there will be no girlxboy, I don't know why I even added that because honestly I don't really like reading/writing girlxboy, just my opinion tho(:

Well, that's basically it I guess. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to update, I know I kept promising that I would be uploading that Larry one shot, the depressing one, but I just don't know. I don't know if I want to finish it I'm still in the beginning and I'm a bit stuck, but maybe I'll finish it later.

I just want to thank each and every one of you. When I first started writing one shots, I didn't think anyone would read them. I thought I was horrid, I still think some are, but I think I'm improving a bit. I just hit 7K reads and to put it lightly, I basically jumped around screaming and got a pillow thrown at me by my mother. But it was worth it(:

Oh and one more thing, I'm always up to chat with people! I feel like other people who write interact with lots of people on here, and then there's me. All by my lonesome! Well, not really. But y'all can talk to me, I don't bite(: promise! I'll most likely be on so ya know, message me or something...

Shout out to Hannah I love you babe<3

Ok I'm done now guys just, ya know, send prompts, vote, fan, stuff like that. Stay safe everyone, love you all<3

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