Nouis~ Pinky Promise? Part2

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(A/N okkk so I wrote it ^_^ so I have a story! I was in Walmart with my mom and I was mad at her cause she was being a bitch to me, and she had the cart in the middle of the isle and this lady walked by and she said sorry for being in the way and I whispered 'you better be sorry' and she was like 'WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!' omfg I was so scared I thought she heard me but she thought I was messing with my brother like whoa that was close haha okeh enough with the rambling go on with the story enjoy ❤)

Nouis~ Pinky Promise? Part2 


Niall's POV; 

It's been two hours. Two fucking hours! It doesn't take two hours to get wood does it?! No! I was freaking out. It was so cold in here, and the boys were trying to calm me down. I went from bawling my eyes out to pacing back and forth. I couldn't even eat. I was so worried about Louis. MY Louis. I talked to Harry, I told him if he makes it back I'll tell him how I feel. I'll tell him I love him even if he rejects me. I feel like I lost him, I feel so empty. Harry’s dimples or curls can't fix this, Liam's cuddles can't fix this, not even Zayn's lullaby can fix this. The only person who could fix this was the brow haired blue eyed boy who pinky promised me that he'd come back. He has to come back.

"That's it, I'm going to look for him." 

I yelled and raced to the door. I tried opening it but it wouldn't budge.

"Harry! The door won't open!" 

I was shacking the door, it was cold as ice. Harry ran in, behind him Zayn and Liam. They all tried to open it with no luck. Now I was just confused. I walked up to the door and put my hand on it. It was extremely cold. I ran my hand over the wood, admiring the carving for a split second before a shiver ran down my back as my hand reached the door knob. I hissed and drew my hand back. It was bloody freezing! I was so confused, why on earth was the door so cold? My eyes widen in fear. Harry seemed to have the same idea as me as he went to turn the knob. It was stuck. We all started pulling and tugging at the door, and finally I felt the knob move. I gave it one last tug and the door slammed open. I looked up and gasped. It couldn't be.

"Bloody hell." Liam whispered, we were all so shocked we didn't even know he cursed!

"WE ARE TRAPPED! THE ICE IS COVERING THE DOOR!" Zayn screamed. I just sat there, dazed. The door, from top to bottom, was covered in thick ice. We were trapped. Inside this house. Without Louis. I stood up without a word and walked up the stairs. I walked up to the room Louis had cuddled with me in, and wrapped myself I'm the blankets. His scent was still here. I breathed in deeply, the familiar smell calming me slightly. There was no way Louis was getting in through that door. No way was he keeping my pinky promise. He's never broken a pinky promise. Well, you know what they say. There's a first for everything. (A/N I was actually going to end the story here and let you decided how it ended, but I decided hey, might as well write an ending! So you can stop reading her and let your imagination do the rest, or continue as more of a bonus(: your choice.) I closed my eyes and listened to my steady breathing as I hear the boys talking. CLUNK. I shot up in bed and looked around. Was I hearing things? I shrugged my shoulders and laid back down. There, there's the noise again! I sat up and stood out of bed. It came from the window. I walked over and saw a shadow. I squinted and looked out the window. I gasped as a figure came crashing down on top of me.

Louis POV; 

I finished grabbing the last piece of fire wood as I headed back to the cabin. I couldn't wait to see Niall. He's always so happy when I keep my pinky promises, which is always. I smiled. Niall was so beautiful. I loved him so much, but I couldn't have him. He has Harry's. My smile turned into a frown as I thought about that. I sighed, I hated fighting with Harry. He was my best friend! But it hurt so much to see the one I love be with someone else. A shiver went down my spine as I walked quickly to get back to the warmth or the house, the warmth of Niall's arms. I finally saw the cabin and I jogged over. I stopped dead in my tracks. The front door was iced in! How did that happen?! I dropped the wood and went over to the ice. I touched it with my gloved covered hand and sighed. How am 

I suppose to get in the house? I looked around the yard am saw a big tree, and across a widow. Bingo. I ran over and held onto the truck of the tree, pulling my upper body up and swinging my legs over. I stood up and grabbed the next branch, almost tripping on the iciness. I cursed under my breath and pulled myself up and over the branch again. I stood up carefully and walked across the thick branch getting as close as I could to the window. I swung down so I was dangling in the tree, and swung once kicking the window. I swung again and hit it with more force, making the window shake. I was about to hit it again when I saw a figure looking out the window, but it was too late. I hit the window with so much force that it cracked and I went flying on top of the person. I groaned and looked down.

"Niallll!" I screeched and threw my arms around my baby leprechaun. I pulled back and started telling him how sorry I was when he put a finger to my lips silencing me.

"I thought you weren't going to come back." he whispered looking down. I put my finger under his chin and made him look me in the eyes.

"I always keep our pinky promises." I smiled and he smiled back. We both started leaning forward, my eyes flickered from his beautiful cyan eyes, to his lushes pink lips.

"I love you Niall." I whispered as his hands snaked around the back of my neck.

"I love you to Louis." we crashed our lips in the most romantic and loving kiss I have ever felt. Butterflies? No, they were explosions! Everywhere he touched was set on fire, it felt so amazing. We finally pulled away from each other, setting our heads against each other. I pulled back upset as realization dawned on me.

"What about Harry though?"

"What about Harry?" Niall asked confused. I sat up and sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I know you to are together." I looked down at my fiddling hands as sadness took over me. It was quit for a bit until Niall started to laugh. He laughed and laughed and rolled around on the floor.

"You- You think me and Haz are DATING?!" he got out, still in a laughing fit. I was confused at this point, I had a pout on my lips and my head was tilted to the side as I tried to think this over. Niall calmed down and sat next to me.

"You're so cute." he states and pecks my lips.

"Me and Harry aren't dating. He knows I like you, I've liked you for a very VERY long time. He was my shoulder to lean on when I got upset." I blush grew upon my face. I put my hands in my head, I screwed up big time. I looked at Niall with pleading eyes, and he nodded.

"Go talk to him." I ran down the stairs all the way to the living room, where I saw Liam and Zayn sat on the couch and Harry infront of the door crying. I flung myself on him and started crying to.

"I'm so sorry Haz! I love you so much I didn't mean to hurt you!" he looked up at me surprised, but hugged me nonetheless. We finally got over the crying and hugging and sorrys. I stood up and held my hand down, picking Harry up. He smiled at me and pulled me into a real hug. I let go and walked over to Niall. I kissed him on the lips and pulled him on my lap. Harry looked at us smirking, Liam and Zayn looked confused. I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at the tv that was on. All the boys joined us soon after and we were all cuddled on the couch. Everything was back to the way it was. No, everything is better than it was. I looked down at Niall who was already looking up at me. I kissed his head and he blushed.

"I love you."

"Pinky promise?" he asked me with a smile on his face. I smirked down at him and wrapped my pinky around his.

"Pinky promise."

(A/N there! Done! I should be sleeping but NOPE I wanted to finish this hehe love you ALLL! Hope you enjoy the part 2 of "pinky promise?" don't forget to comment, vote, or send me a prompt/bromnace ^_^ until next time!!)

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