Narry~ Welcome to the family.

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(A/N hello girls and boys -if there are boys it seems like there is no boys on wattpad? Is that just me or..?- don't hate! It's mpreg. Idk if sucks alright this is my first one just trying to experiment with different things ya know. It's Narry. 'course. Who doesn't love Narry? Well I'll stop now, enjoy and what not don't forget to vote comment and fan love you all<3 warnings; mpreg & adult vocabulary yup)

Narry; Welcome to the family


"Harry," Niall whined lowly, sitting down on the blue comforter that laid atop their bed. Sighing, Harry looked up from his book he was reading and set a bookmark in it, turning towards his lover who was carying their child.

"Yes love?" Niall sniffled a bit and whipped at his red nose. He let out a groan as he tried to pull down the green shirt that didn't cover but a slim of the bottom of his tummy. A sob escaped his lips as he wrapped his arms around the fetus inside him.

"I- I hate you!" he screamed. Tears ran down his red face as he tried standing up, wobbling a bit. Once he was stood, he peered over the large hump but only saw the tips of his toes. As he began wailing again, Harry stood up from the bed with a deep sigh. This had been happening lately, Niall's excessive mood swings. He went from his happy-go-lucky self, to pure anger and hatred, to extremely self concisous in a matter of seconds, all thanks to the the little baby boy whom they were expecting any time now. Harry walked over to Niall and stood behind him, wrapping his long, muscular arms around Niall and his bumb.

"Now, why do you hate me babe?" he rested his face in Niall's shoulder, his nose pressed against the side of his neck. He took a deep breath, loving the natural aroma that could only be identified as Niall. He wasn't mad, not at all. He knew Niall didn't mean it, so he let himself be his personal punching bag because fuck, he loved him so damn much. Pushing away from Harry, Niall turned around and gave a pitiful punch to his chest.

"You made me fat you bastard!" he started to repeatently give soft blows to Harry's chest, who just chuckled.

"You're not fat Ni. You're gorgeous, you're glowing." Niall stopped his sad attempts of hurting Harry and blushed deeply.

"You don't mean that, loser." sniffiling, he pushed his face as deep as he could into Harry's chest with the lump in between the two. Harry wrapped his arms around Niall's waist, resting his chin on top his head.

"Oh, but I do. I may be a loser, but I'm your loser." Niall giggle and playfully smacked Harry's bum, who leapt in surprise. See, this is what Harry meant. Now Niall was all bubbly and happy, not that he was complaining. But that meant angry Niall was soon to come.

"I can't believe I let you knock me up, Styles." Niall sighed and rolled his eyes.

"You're such a sap, tell me again why I love you?" with a fake gasp, Harry held his hand to his heart in mock hurt.

"How rude." he playfully sent a glare to Niall, who smirked back. Nuzzling his face back into Niall's neck, he again took deep breathes. The smell was intoxicating, it drove him crazy. And damn, if he wasn't holding their child in the womb Harry could have took him right then and there. Niall wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, loving the way Harry purred and snuggled closer into him, and still had a hand rest upon his belly. They stood there for a while, just holding each other. Every now and then, Harry would feel a small kick and he would smile lovingly.

"I love you to Harry." Niall whispered, tears welling in his eyes for no apparent reason. He was just so fucking happy to be with the two boys he loved most. Pulling back with his arms still tightly wrapped around Niall, Harry leaned down and kissed his glabella. Niall crinkled his nose, and fuck it was the most adorable thing Harry had ever witnessed.

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