Narry~ Hold on to my Sweater Boy.

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(A/N wow wow wow wow. i cant explain this. im alomst at 2000 read! i didnt know anyone would even read this, let alone more than 1000 people! thank you so much. i even want to thank all my ghost readers! thank you thank you thanl you! ok, so i read a story like this a while ago, i dont remeber who wrote it thought. i love this song so much. you should listen to it, ill post a lyric video to it. the lyrics are in the story, and i love it. i think this is my best one yet, i cant explain how much emotion i tried to put into this. i tried really really hard for you guys. i hope you like it(: dont forget to vote and comment promts warnings; none. just fluff fluff and more fluff!)

Narry; Hold on to my Sweater Boy.


"Please." A single tear rolled down Niall's now rosy cheek.

"Baby don't leave." Niall sniffled and whipped his runny nose on the back of his hand.

"Be home, stay close, be close to me." A small deplorable smile came over Harry's face as he leaned in, his lips connecting with the tear. He pulls back, only for Niall to pull him again, hiding his head in the crook of his neck. A loud sob escapes Niall's throat. His knees buckle, he almost hits the ground but Harry keeps a tight grip around his waist. There they sat, in the middle of their little apartment that the couple of just over two years had lived in for nearly 6 months. They had tried to keep their relationship a secret for as long as they could, but it slipped up when a paparazzi called Niall a fag and Harry went berserks, and nearly put the man into a coma, all the while yelling 'don't you ever fucking say anything about my boyfriend again!' That sure let the cat out the bag. Well the media was in a feeding frenzy, the fans were going crazy, and they were reseving loads of death threats. Niall was even assaulted, while shopping he was jumped by 6 men. They didn't even take his groceries. They just left him with multiple bruises and cuts, a dislocated knee, and a swift kick to the stomach as he laid in an alley way on one of the coldest nights in England. That's when Harry had had enough of it. He told Niall that he was going away from a bit, he didn't know where. Wherever management had picked for him to go is where he would be staying for the next 2 months to let this settle down. He sighed and ran his fingers through Niall's blonde locks. A chill went up his spin, his breathing hitched then settled back down, all that was heard was the soft breathing and the occasional sniffles that came from Niall and the beat of Harry's heart underneath his grey knitted sweater, a sound that had relaxed Niall so many times, and was almost of a lullaby from a mother.

"Baby you know, I gotta run, I gotta go. I won't be long." Harry's voice broke through the silence. Niall leaned back and planted a small smile upon his face, and started fixing Harry's hair, a nervous habit he had seemed to pick up.

"Boy don't you flirt. And baby please just don't get hurt." Harrys chuckled at Niall, and rubbed his nose against his in a butterfly kiss.

"Baby, you're the only one I want to flirt with. And I promise dear, I'll be safe. But I will be lonely without you." Harry grew sad as Niall sighed and pouted slightly.

"I love you Harry. And if you feel alone then here take my shirt." Niall pulled back, taking off his favorite red polo shirt and handing it to Harry. Harry smiled adoringly at his boyfriend and brought him in for a kiss that he hoped showed him how much he truly loved him.

"I know you hate the weather, so maybe you should hold on to my sweater." Harry states and peels of his ashy grey knitted sweater and passed it to Niall who took it and inhaled the scent deeply. A blush rose on his cheeks as Harry sat and watched fascinated, a dazzling smile appearing that showed his dimples. 'How could I get someone so perfect?' he thought to himself. Niall threw the sweater on, and it made him look even smaller. It went down past his butt and stopped to the middle of his thighs, the arms dangling off of his. It looked as if the sweater had eaten him whole, or as if he wear a small child. He looked smaller than he usually did, and Harry loved it. Harry smiled and hugged Niall one last time, exchanging a long, passionate, kiss that brought Niall weak to his knees, and Harry's stomach to swarm with butterflies.

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