Larry~ Not so Innocent ((SMUT))

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(A/N hello loves! Im so happy i have 6k+ reads thank you all! So how have you all been? I've been fine ya know just writing a one shot for the past THREE DAYS. That's a big deal for me, I usually barf up a one shot in one night, one and half at the most. I tried my real hardest on this one. Are ya wondering why I'm trying my hardest? Well it's because *insert drum roll here* this is my first smut one shot! Yup so that means if you don't like smut turn your ass around and head the other way👈 it's Larry. And it's flower Harry and punk Louis. I'm addicted to punk direction I admit it I have a problem but I don't want to fix it anytime soon. So let me stop rambling so you can continue on reading. I hope you guys like it I tried my best, give me advice on how I can get better and like always don't forget to comment vote fan and send in prompts(: btw look at the picture on the side its so hot I just Warnings; smut yup)

((wow this is horrible I HIGHLY recommend NOT reading this I think I'll just stick to reading smut and not writing it Jesus I'm horrible why did nobody tell me this is actually embarrassing oh god bye))

Larry; Not so Innocent


Harry was so innocent. He was that type of innocent that made men go wild, and he didn't even notice it. Men wanted him, they craved his touch. They wanted to be near Harry, or get the privilege to say that he had spoken to them. They wanted to make a mess upon his innocence. Louis wanted to make a mess upon his innocence.

Harry was, as Louis calls him, a flower child. His imagination greater than any 5-year-old boy, the world was his.

He had an obsession with wearing flowers on his head. He wrapped them up like a crown and wore them with a sense of pride. In a way, he felt like a king. He felt more powerful with the arrangement of colors and the scent that always followed him.

Some people found Harry weird. But Louis liked weird. Harry was the type of person to like everyone, he didn't judge. So when Louis had walked up to him, clothed in skin tight black skinny jeans that left nothing to the imagination, and a tight fitting grey t-shirt along with his black boots, and told him that he liked his flowers (it made Louis painfully hard when he had spotted the boy with pink roses on his head) Harry just smiled wide and stuck his hand out.

Thanks! I'm Harry, what's your name?


Well hello Lou. I've just finished making one, you can wear it if you'd like.

Why would I wear it? What would we do?

We would be kings.

Be kings?

Yes, kings.

Kings of what?

Kings of whatever you'd like to be Lou.

Harry had accepted Louis into his kingdom. He accepted everything about Louis. He accepted the metal on Louis' body (the lip rings, the nose rings, and the eyebrow rings). He accepted the ink that tattooed his body, the curse words and skull heads that littered his chest and arms. He accepted Louis' red hair and cocky attitude. He didn't only accept Louis, he loved Louis.

They ruled the kingdom, and no matter the difference between the two, they loved. And love kept the kingdom together.


Harry sat in the living room of the apartment that he and his boyfriend, Louis, shared. He was in the process of making a new crown, this one made of purely of white roses. He was making it for Louis, his angel. He smiled goofily as he finished it and set it on the table, crossing his legs on the sofa and grabbing the remote. He turned it on spongebob and pushed his mess of brown curls out of his face. Louis walked in 5 minutes later, wearing red skinny jeans and a black shirt. He plopped on the couch beside Harry and draped his arm around his shoulder. Harry turned towards him and smiled, showing the dimples that Louis had loved so. He bent over and grabbed the flowers as Louis snuck a peak at his boyfriends ass and smirked, giving it a firm slap. Harry giggled and swatted his hand away, a blush rising on his checks. He sat back and handed the crown to Louis.

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