Lirry~ Love Not Spoken By Words.

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(A/N hii babes(: I just want to take this time to thank you guys. I've just hit 10.2K reads on my one shots and... I don't know what to say. I seriously don't know what to say to this! Thank you all so much it really means a lot to me. When I started this I didn't think anybody would read it, I was prepared to have it like my own little journal that I could practice writing in. But then I got one read, then I got ten reads, then I got fifty reads, then I had five hundred reads, then a thousand, and now ten thousand! That's so fucking incredible! Just thank you, thank you all! I love you all so much <3 now that that's done, the one shot! I'm planning on making this into a little story on here, depending on if you guy like it. I would really love to continue it and I will but I may not post it. I hope you guys enjoy<3 it my first Lirry, and then I have to do Niam and I would have done all the bromances(: warnings; adult language)

Lirry; Love Not Spoken By Words.


Liam's POV; 

I smiled sweetly at the lady at the front desk.

"Hi, uhm, I'm new here and I need my schedule." she was an older lady, and looked really sweet, like one of those old lady's that would bake cookies when their grand kids came over and would spoil them rotten. Her white hair was pulled into tight bun and she smiled back as she pushed her glasses up her nose.

"What's your name, dear?" she asked sweetly. I hiked my book bag up my shoulder in a more comfortable position.

"Liam Payne." she nodded and began typing vigorously on the keyboard.

"Ok, darling, I'll just print this out for you real quick." she walked around the corner in what I suppose would have the copy machines at. I sat down at one of the many chairs situated around the small area. I looked around at the many cases filled with pictures and awards from students at the school. I sighed tiredly and rested my head on the wall. I didn't want to move. I liked my old school. I had a generous amount of friends, I wasn't to popular but also not to far at the bottom of the food chain. I was a straight A student and the teachers favorite. I was perfectly happy with my life. But of course we had to move. Now I have to start all over. It's the middle of the year and everyone's already got groups of friends. It's gonna be difficult trying to find some friends. Also, I'm not sure how this school is about homosexuals. I was openly gay at my old school, and no one really cared. Sure, there was the typical homophobic pricks that would bumb into me in the hallway, or throw around a couple insults, such as "faggot", but I never took them to heart. I just brushed it off and smiled sweetly at them and gave them a thank you and left, pissing them off even more. I guess you could say I was happy there. But there's no way I'm coming out right now, it's bad enough in the new kid. I might as well stick a huge sign on my back reading, "Hey! I'm the new kid, and I'm gay! Come kick my ass!" I rather not let that happen. I was snatched away from my thoughts as the older lady cleared her throat lightly. I stood up and took the paper from her hands.

"First period you have history, which is room 419. The school has different hallways, each a different hundred. So you'll take hallway 400," she says, and stops to point to the doors leading left.

"And walk down till you see 419. Your locker is in the seniors hallway, which is in hallway 200. You know how to use a lock, right dear?" I nodded and she smiled sweetly.

"Good. You should get going, the bells already rung. Have a good day, Mr. Payne." I smiled and thanked her as I walked off in the direction she pointed out as the seniors hallway. I walked down the empty hallway towards my locker. I turned the lock, successfully opening it. I shook my head as I remembered I don't even have any books to put in yet. I closed the locker and turned around and suddenly collided into someone, sending my self and the other person flying in different directions. I shook my head and carefully stood up. A boy with curly hair was frantically picking up papers that I suppose where ones that he was holding when we had ran into each other.

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