Ziall~ Why?

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(A/N so I was gonna post a different one shot that was actually a prompt, but I actually had no idea where I was going with it do it's all over the place and basically it took on a life of its own. Well I guess I got my mojo back cause I popped this sucker out in a day and a half! It's persoanlly one of my favorites that I have written so far, so I hope you guys enjoy. To me, it shows me how much my writing has matured. All the typing like this is a flashback, hope it doesnt get to confusing. I'll stop rambling now(: I love you all, and I hope your days are going fantastic. Btw, not a very happy ending. Warning; mild cursing)

Ziall; Why?


Niall's POV;

I slammed the flat door shut with such great force it shook on it's hinges. I closed my eyes as I let myself set my head back on the cold wood. The tears I had been holding in flooded through my closed eyes lids and poured over my checks. I gasped and clutched at my chest. My heart.. my heart felt like it was literally being ripped out. He was out. Out with her. A sob escaped my lips as I slid down the door onto my butt. I wrapped my arms around my body, trying to keep myself together. I felt that if I let go, I would completely fall apart. I rocked back and forth as tears poured down my face. Loud, unhuman, sounds escaped my lips as sob after sob racked over my body. My hands flew to my hair as I pulled at it violently. Memorys played behind my closed eyes like a broken record.

"Please." I sobbed loudly.

"Make it stop!" I screamed as a beautiful boy with raven hair and carmel eyes flashed in my mind. He promised he would always be there for me. He promised.

I woke up, drenched in sweat. I started shaking violently. I had a horrible horrible dream, yet I couldn't remember most of it. I remember the boys being there, and there was a a meat grinder. And some crazy fans were chasing us, and the only way to get away was to jump across the giant meat grinder in the middle of the ground. I remember all the boys had jumped, including me, except for Zayn. Zayn took a couple steps back, then jumped. He almost reached the other side. I had grabbed his hand, but he had let go. I had to watch as he plummeted to the depths of the grinder, tears in eyes as I yelled his name, reaching out for him. I shakily grabbed my phone and called the only person I could think of.

"Zayn?" I whispered quietly into the phone after he picked up on the second ring.

"Huh?" his voice was husky from sleep, and I could just imagine him rubbing his eyes and ruffling his hair as he looked at his alarm clock.

"Ni? It's," there was a pause.

"two in the morning. Why are ya calling?" he didn't sound rude, just curious. I didn't say anything, just listened to his steady breathing.


"I.. I-uh, I had a bad dream." I pulled my legs to my chest and rested my head on them. There was silence, and then some shuffling.

"I'll be there in 10, just wait Ni." there's was a click and the call was ended. Tears started brimming my eyes at the thought of Zayn falling in the grinder. Less than ten minutes later, there was a soft click of the door opening and closing. I hear Zayn walk carefully up the stair case and open my door quietly. Zayn took one look at me and ran to my bed.

"Niall," I sniffled into his shoulder.

"Wanna tell me what happened, babe?" my heart fluttered at the nickname. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his torso. He sighed and laid us down so he was the big spoon and I was pressed flush against his chest.

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