Ziam (Niall centric)~ Park Part2

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(A/N oh hello there. Ya, it's part two of park like many were asking. No biggie. Eh, its not edited, so there may be some errors, but I'm lazy and wanted to post this ASAP so I'll go back tomorrow and fix any errors. I hope you all enjoy! Also, I'm thinking about starting a new story? It's called "My Sinning Angel" so go check out the description and see if ya like it(: alright, enough of the blabbering, enjoy park part 2! Warnings; none)

Ziam (Niall centric); Park part2


"Dada?" Niall started waddling towards Liam. Liam watched as the man ran by and snatched Niall up. The smile that was on Niall's face faded away as he started crying and thrashing around.



Liam's POV

I pushed myself even further as I watched the man run off with my baby. Pushing through a crowd of bystanders, I leapt over a bench and propelled my body forward, getting a good 5 feet ahead of where I was before. Niall's face was red and blotchy as he cried out dada, his hands opening and closing as he tried to reach out for me. The man took a sharp turn out of the park and into the city, still running as fast as he could. No matter how much I pushed myself, I still stayed at the least 10 feet behind. The man tried to turn again, but bumped into a tall business man in a black suit and dropped Niall over his shoulder. I watched in horor as time slowed down, and Niall's face grew wide as he grew closer and closer to the hard concrete ground. Just before Niall could come face to face with cold ground, the man threw his arms out, catching Niall mid fall. I stood there, not really knowing what to do. I finally found the will to move and I ran up, snatching a crying, and most likely traumatized, Niall into my arms. The man who had Niall tried to turn and run, but the business man must have had caught on quick and pulled him to his chest, pulling his arms behind his back. Niall layed his head in the crook of my neck, a blubbering mess of 'dada' coming from his pink lips, the feeling of snot and slobber on my neck as he rubbed his face against it. But I couldn't be any happier. I looked at the man who has his head down and shoulders slumped, still pressed tightly to the business man.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm. The man didn't say anything, just lowered his head further down. I was getting fed up with his bull crap, so I took a handful of his ski mask and ripped it off his head, a yelp escaped his lips as I felt myself pull some of his hair out. I made a face of disgust at the mask, and threw it to the side, going back to look at the man, but stopping in my tracks. The man.. He looked so familiar. And then it hit me. He's light brown fringe swayed in the wind, he looked up at me with crystal blue eyes that threaten to spill tears. His strong jawline trembled slightly as he brought his bottom lip in between his teeth, and chewed at the pink flesh. The resemblance.. it was remarkable. I didn't know what to say, I just stood there, staring at the oddly familiar yet not familiar face, as he stared at the small frame pressed tightly to my chest whimpering and saying 'I wuv uh's. The mans eyes finally met mine, and my breath caught in my throat. His eyes held so much sadness, so much hurt. He sighed once more, and let his head fall down to look at the ground.

"I'm Anthony. Niall's biological father." he said in a strong Irish accent. I gasped, causing the now sleeping Niall to stir, but then snuggle back in to me. I looked at the man who had this supposed Anthony, and gave him the ok to let him go and shook his hand. He went on his merry way as I turned back around at the now guilty looking man.

"Let's grab a coffee. On me." I smiled kindly, even though I had no idea why. I should be furious, but I felt sympathy for this man. I don't know if it's because of the way his lips still quivered the way Niall's did when he was upset, or the lay his eyes were still filled with tears and looking EXACTLY how Niall does when ever he falls over, or just for the simple fact this this is the father of one of my favorite boys. Nonetheless, we walked the short distance to the little coffee shop down the road. We walked in and a little bell went off, signaling the arrival of new costumers. The smell of coffee and doungunts wafted threw the air, and Niall moved in my arms, sniffing the air. His eyes flew open as the scent of hot chocolate hit his nose. He smiled largely at me and started to jump in my arms.

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