Zianourry~ Sweet dreams Ni.

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(A/N hey guys!! sorry that i havent updated, i have no ideas left *wink wink* make sure to read my A/N at the end ok!! Warning; mentions self harm)

Zianourry~ Sweet dreams Ni.


Nialls POV;

I slid into the van and closed the door as the rest of the boys jumped up and down in their seats, still pumped from the recent concert. I sighed and leaned my head against the window. Why did everyone hate me? Am I not good enough? It sure as hell seems like it. While we were on stage goofing off, flirting, I smiled and looked out into the arena. I waved to a couple of girls who waved at me, and I saw a big sign with my face on it and my smile got bigger. But it instantly dropped. Over my face was a big x and the word “You don’t belong”. The girl who was holding it saw me looking, and grinned evilly. She winked at me then started screaming as Harry tripped over nothing again. I looked away, trying to hold my tears back. I put on a fake smile and started jumping up and down with the boys again, the girls sign still fresh in my mind. I sighed again as I tried to listen to the boys conversation but I couldn’t for the life of me do it. I felt someone put their hand on my thigh and I looked up at the owner of it.

“You ok babe?” Harry asked me quietly. I put on a fake smile, which I have seem to mastered, and nodded my head. He didn’t seem to believe it, but nodded nonetheless. He started talking to the boys again but held my hand in his, squeezing it. I smiled, I love all the boys, I really do, but Harry was my first love. We actually came out together as boyfriends (A/N I love when people call each other boyfriend and girlfriend idk haha) first, but he told me he had small feelings for Liam to, and Liam had feelings for Zayn who loved both Liam and Louis, and Louis had told me while I was dating Harry that he loved me also. So we made it work, all of us together. I smiled, these boys are truly my world. I touched my wrist and frowned. Beneath my jacket, laid my battle scars. I’ve been battling myself for the longest time. The boys knew, and I promised them that I would stop. I took my iPod out putting my ear plugs in as the boys continued to talk, I think Liam was talking about that we have a free day tomorrow? I put my music on shuffle and let go of Harry’s hand as mine was sweaty, and whipped it on my pants not bothering to take his hand again. “Bullet” by Hollywood Undead came on, and I thought to myself of the irony. I sat back and turned my music up to the max amount. Little did I know, all the boys could hear my music, and we were submitted into silence. I smiled and closed my eyes as I let the music course through me, listening to the lyrics that went with my life perfectly.

My legs are dangling off the edge
The bottom of the bottle is my only friend
I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm
Gone, gone, gone, gone

My legs are dangling off the edge
A stomach full of pills didn't work again
I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm
Gone, gone, gone, gone

I smiled as I imagined myself leaving, leaving this horrible place we call earth.

Gone too far yea I'm gone again
It's gone on too long tell you how it ends
I'm sitting on the edge with my two best friends
One's a bottle of pills and one's a bottle of gin.

I'm twenty stories up, yea up at the top
I've polished off this bottle now it's pushin' me off
Asphalt to me has never looked so soft
I bet my momma found my letter now she's calling the cops

I've gotta take this opportunity before I miss it
'Cause now I hear the sirens and they're off in the distance
Believe me when I tell you that I've been persistent
'Cause I'm more scarred, more scarred then my wrist is

I've been trying too long with too dull of a knife
But tonight I made sure that I sharpened it twice
I never bought a suit before in my life
But when you go to meet God you know you wanna look nice

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