Chapter 20 - Message Sent

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Suppose you are lying in a fancy hotel bed, with 2 famous singers from a popular British show, which are in fact your friends, Ella Henderson and Jaymi Hensley. They are both sleeping and a phone rings. It’s not yours, neither Ella’s, but Jaymi’s. Coincidently, he’s part of a well-known boy band named Union J and even more shocking, one of his band mates is a boy you have feelings for. This boy, George Shelley is your friend, but after a kiss, (actually an almost kiss because you ruined it) things are now awkward and you’re trying to avoid each other.

But after a long time of reflection, you decided to have a serious talk with him. Yet to top it off, the phone rang because of a message and who sent it? Yes, you are correct, George Shelley, the gorgeous boy you fancy sent that text.

From: George Likes Bananas

Hey, where are you mate?

And now you have 2 options:

Option number 1) You wake up Jaymi and tell him George texted him.

Option number 2) You don’t wake up anyone, leave the phone where you found it and go back to sleep.

Option number 3) You pretend to be Jaymi and uses his phones to start talking with George.

If you have chosen option number 1 or number 2, congrats, you are a smart, responsible and intelligent human being. But if you have in fact chosen option number 3, well I’m sorry to say but you are dumb as me.

Yes. I did that. I am currently doing that. Pretending to be Jaymi and using his phone to text George, yeah I want to talk to him with the advantage that he doesn’t need to know that it is not Jaymi who’s in the other end of the line. Let’s say I want to find out some things.

To: George Likes Bananas

I’m at Ella’s room

From: George Likes Bananas

Ella’s room? Why?

To: George Likes Bananas

I spent the night here with her and Laura

From: George Likes Bananas

Laura is there? I haven’t seen her yet, since she left the party because of that blonde crazy girl…

To: George Likes Bananas

Yeah she’s crazy right? But yes, she was kind of upset so we had a sleepover to cheer her up and stuff

From: George Likes Bananas

That girl is insane! And look what she did! Now Laura is mad and I bet she hates me

To: George Likes Bananas

She doesn’t hate you! She really likes you! She told me herself

I paused. I had just written that. That I liked George, should I send it? I knew he liked me, but still… Oh come on, a beautiful famous singer says he likes you. Strange right? Kind of unbelievable actually! So it’s okay to have doubts.

I was still wondering if I should send it or not when Jaymi started stretching and I heard him yawn. I panicked and let his phone drop on the floor. “What was that?” he asked “W-what?” I replied “You drop something” he said “I think it was my phone” I responded picking it up and hiding it behind my back “Speaking of phones, where is mine?” he said “Shit, shit, shit!” I thought “Oh, never mind, I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll look for it later” he said heading to the loo and closing the door. I gulped in relief and checked on Ella, still sleeping. Then I looked at the phone and gulped, but this time not from relief, the letters on the screen said:

To: George Shelley

She doesn’t hate you! She really likes you! She told me herself

Message Sent.

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