It was finally 24th. I really looked forward for today. I wasn't sure if Sunstreaker liked it so much but he eyes happy. Happier than previously this weak. Sunstreaker sat down next to me on the couch. 'Shall I give your present first?' He asked. I gave a small nod and watched him get up, handing me a package. I unwrapped the paper. The wool sweater I wanted so badly. I smiled at him. 'Thank you.'
He hummed. I got up and handed him a present. 'Sketchbook, thank you.' He looked at the tree and got up. It went back and forth like that until we had given each other every present. I didn't stick to budget and neither did he but we had fun anyway. In the Christmas lights, we started the gourmet. We didn't say much and it didn't have to, we had fun anyway.
After the gourmet, I helped him clean up and we switched on the TV, watching two Christmas movies under a blanket. I laid against him, resting my head on his chest and arm around his waist. He's a good soft pillow. I nuzzled in his neck to get a reaction out of him. Sunny softly rubbed my cheek and scalp without looking at me.
The next morning, we spent the afternoon on the Christmas market in downtown Washington DC. Like Sunstreaker did more often, he was holding my hand and led me through the thick crowd. It was fun and I enjoyed spending time with him like this. We sat down on a bench with a waffle. 'Are there celebrations like this on Cybertron?' I signed. Sunstreaker started thinking. 'Well, not that I can remember. I never celebrated anything because no one wanted to celebrate it with me or Sideswipe. We had quite some traumas and didn't see the joy of celebrating anything. It left us cold.'
'But you like this?'
'I do.' He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. 'Tonight we have a special dinner,' he said. I nodded in excitement. 'You know what you're going to wear?' He asked. I nodded again, 'surprise.' I signed. He hummed and took the last two bites of his waffle and so did I.
I had a beautiful red cocktail dress. To stay in the Christmas vibe and had curled my hair. I've been wearing braids for the last two hours. It probably won't last long but for now it does. I also added make-up on my face, and some red glitters as eye shadow. I watched some make-up video's the previous day. I walked downstairs and saw Sunstreaker. He was wearing a suit. My jaw nearly dropped on how handsome he looked. 'Am I not handsome?'
I nodded and walked up to him. 'You are so gorgeous tonight too,' he said and smiled, kissing my forehead. 'My queen, huh?' He teased. I giggled and nodded. 'Shall we go?' He asked. I nodded, and grabbed my high heels. Sunstreaker led me outside and even opened his door for me. 'Thank you,' I signed.
When we arrived, Sunstreaker wrapped his arm around my waist and walked inside with me. It was busy. 'Shall we take a photo under the mistletoe?' He asked. It wasn't really a question. He took my hand and pulled me under the mistletoe. He wrapped his arms around my waist. 'Aren't people supposed to kiss under the mistletoe?' He asked. My eyes widened. Before I could say anything, his lips were pressed on mine. 'I bet you've never had a kiss like that before, huh,' he teased as he wrapped his arm around my waist and took the photo from the photographer.
I smiled as he showed me the photo. The restaurant is nicely filled with people. Music played softly on the background and it was cozy. Sunstreaker and I sat down.
'You kissed me,' I signed. He shrugged and grabbed the menu card. 'Ever tasted wine?' He asked. I shook my head. 'You'd like to taste?' He asked. I hesitated for a moment but gave a small nod. We had a very nice chic Christmas dinner. While we were eating our desert, Sunstreaker's attention turned to a group across the restaurant. I followed his gaze. 'I didn't know they would be here tonight,' he said and looked at me. I raised a brow. 'That's my team. Or they're supposed to be my team,' he said. 'They haven't seen you yet?'It was more surprise that I asked it. He shrugged, 'Apparently. Let's track not too much attention,' he said. I gave a small nod and continued eating. While we were waiting for our desert, I caught Sunny staring at them. I raised my hands to sign. 'Would they have asked you if you weren't with me?' Sunstreaker snorted. 'No... they would never ask me. Even if I really try to be nice. I am different remember?' I gave a small nod and followed his gaze. 'I don't matter. It's been that way all my life so... don't worry about it.' He looked down at the table for a moment. 'You matter to me,' I signed. He flashed me a weak smile and grasped my hand.
'They wouldn't even approve it. Living with me I mean.' I raised a brow. 'The reason I have my home is because they didn't like it I was around people. They wanted me to be far away from the base and soldiers so I wouldn't kill them all. They will never approve it. I will lose you and I don't want that,' he said. I squeezed his hand softly and shook my head. 'You won't.'
((Sunstreaker's P.O.V))
I was waiting for Skyla in the lobby. She had to use the bathroom. I think this evening was a success. Except the fact my fellow Autobots and humans had to show up. I perked into the restaurant. They really seemed to have fun with them. I just felt so much anger inside of me just by looking at it. I felt a soft touch on my arm. 'You're ready?' She signed. I looked back at the people inside. 'I am gonna say hi.'She grasped my arm a little tighter and shook her head. 'I know it upsets you but, it's not worth it. They won't change only because you ask. They don't know what humans are capable of and we do. You don't need them, you have me,' she signed. I appreciated what she just signed but I still felt betrayed and angry. I never told her the fine details of what happened but I don't think I had to either. 'You're going to make it awkward,' she added. 'They wanted me to leave for Christmas, Skyla. So they could be together and celebrate Christmas. They were probably scared I would ask to join them,' I spat. Some people looked at us.
'Don't be upset, Sunny. It's not worth it,' she signed again. 'Sometimes I wish I did matter to them. It's not about they are celebrating it, but they could've at least asked. It's not like I would've joined them but... is it because of the threats?' She gave a small nod. 'If you would show more of this sweet and gentle side, they would look at you differently. You do have a good spark, Sunny. You're just really hard on yourself. You don't always need to be the best. Being yourself is enough.'
She kissed her warm hand on my spark area and tapped softly. 'Every time I be myself, I get dumped. It started at a early age that people got scared of me because of my psychopathic tendencies. My parents were to blame... I haven't always been like this. Kids didn't want to play with me and when I grew up, bots dumped me. Femmes, my fellow front liners, even Ironhide chose Sideswipe above me. My brother got everything and I am glad he did because I never would've wanted him to feel how I have always felt. I don't want them to steal him from me again because sometimes I feel like Sideswipe is choosing them above me. That's why I don't want to tell them about you, I am scared for what they might do and you're the only girl that stayed around me longer than a day.'
She rested her hand on my cheek and cupped. 'Good spark,' she whispered and tapped on my chest again. She doesn't talk. She only did it once before. When she talks, her words are meaningful. I kissed her cheek and took her to my alt-mode to go home.

Sing me to sleep - terror twins -
FanfictionCan we change our fate? Skyla has had a rough start in life. Being born too early and dumped at an orphange because her parents couldn't take care of her anymore, she ended up in an abusive and hard place. She stopped talking at the age of eight an...