+ Chapter 23. What are you doing on my porch?

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Sunstreaker rubbed my scalp. I sleepily looked up. 'How do you feel?' He asked. 'I am fine,' I mumbled. 'Are we talkative today?' He teased in my ear. I snorted and closed my eyes. 'I like to hear your voice?' He said quietly. I usually don't talk, but sometimes I do because I trust him and he likes the few words I say. 'I have to go the base, alright?' I hummed softly. 'I have already eaten but make yourself something nice. If we get back, you might like to join my work out session?' I gave a small nod. Sunstreaker kissed my cheek before he walked off and quietly shut the door.

Honestly? For a psychopath, he's absolutely adorable sometimes. I can't imagine a life without him anymore. He means everything to me. I listened to the sound of his engine fading. I never like it when he leaves but sometimes he had too and trusted me to not do anything stupid or get myself in trouble. After two hours, it was 9 AM and I slid out of bed, starting my daily routine before heading downstairs. I made myself some scrambled eggs and toast before sitting on the couch and watched TV.

I muted the TV when I heard the doorbell. Why would someone knock on the door this early. I doubted it would be a delivery. I hadn't bought anything online and neither did Sunny. I placed my plate on the coffee table and looked through the kitchen door. Eden? What is she doing here. I hesitated for a moment but answered the door to see what she wanted. It surprised me to see her here, considered the fact she was sold and Sunstreaker only saved me.

'Look who's still alive.'

I stared at her. She snorted. 'What are you doing here,' I signed. She still didn't understand sign language. 'You still don't talk?' She scoffed. I sighed and was about to close the door but she stopped me. 'Okay, okay... I am sorry.' I looked at her again. 'You had luck, you know that?' I shrugged my shoulders. She snorted and glared daggers at me. 'Do you really think you had luck? Do you think that after six months he forgot about you?' She mocked. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut in her face. I am done talking with her.

((Sunstreaker's P.O.V))
I was impatiently waiting. If there's something I hate, then it's knowing Skyla is alone. Although, it was obvious I had to come to the base and if I refuse one more time, they'll get suspicious. Ratchet has something to blackmail me with but lately, I felt like we are on the same page. Considered the fact, he started to understand my statement after seeing it himself. 'Could please just stop doing that?' I stopped pacing around and crossed my arms. 'I am still waiting for an explanation,' I snapped. Prowl grunted. 'We have a mission for you,' he said. 'Again or the same one?' I scoffed. 'You refused your last mission and ruined it with that, so we got you a new one.'

'Wow... that's so nice of you guys,' I scoffed. Prowl rolled his eyes at my behavior. 'You have to go and you know it. Listen, travel North. Close to where your previous mission was. Starscream has been signaled there only 48 hours ago, make sure to be careful.' I signed. 'Whatever. By the way, tell Lennox that if he decides one more time what I have to do, I will kill his daughter and chop her up in ten pieces. I will make sure, she has a slow painful death. Humans don't decide what I do, only Optimus or you does, clear?'

'Ratchet told you? Seriously, what is going on with you two lately? Didn't know he's your best friend,' he mocked. 'We are not friends. Colleagues. That's something different and just for the record, Ratchet dislikes humans too. The only difference is that he respects them and I don't.'
'You forgot to mention he's not a sick psycho like you are. He actually has a spark,' he snapped. 'I do have a spark, but only for those I care about.'


I shrugged and scratched the back of my head. I didn't want to go into my defense mode and kept my head cool. 'You even abuse your own twin brother so how can you say you have a spark?' That triggered me. 'Excuse me?' I snapped. 'Ever thought about that Sideswipe is better off with you? Seriously, why do you think he hangs more around the other Autobots than you? You're claiming him. You think Sideswipe actually likes that?' He asked. 'He's my damn brother! My twin brother! Of course I claim him. We have been through so much and just for the record, I never abused him. I love him to death.'

'Yes you do! If it's not mentally than physically?' He snapped and got up. I glared at him. 'I love my brother! He's my only family. He's literally my other half, the only one I trust. I hate it you are stealing him from me!' I snapped. 'Don't be ridiculous! We aren't. He chooses to be around us and not around you,' he snapped.

'You think that you can't love without him but it would actually be good if you two were separated a little bit more. He might be your twin, but that doesn't mean he can't build up his own life, with his own friends and femme. That's gonna be an issue soon or later. We both know that there's not a single femme out there that wants to date you or even wants to be around you. Sideswipe does want a femme at some point and he'll leave you for that.'

I turned around and stormed off. I was in a daze of fury, rage and pure hate. I haven't felt like this for so long. I saw a soldier and attacked him, slicing his throat open. The group a little further away was frightened and tried to get away, but I was quicker. I shot two through the head and injured the other two. I slowly and painfully cut them to death. Feeling the blood oozing out, over my hands gave me a powerful feeling. I got up and looked at the staircase. Lennox office is upstairs. Time pay him a little visit.

I burst through the door. The human male jumped up in shock. 'I told you something, didn't I? You know... humans don't dominate me and they don't tell me what to do,' I sneered hatred. He aimed his gun at me. It only pissed me off even more. 'I have dreamed about killing you. Driving my knife through your paper like flesh and cut it. Through  all your layers of flesh and muscles.' I shivered in delight. I love the feeling of that... the power it gives me,' I growled. 'Prime trusts you too much... we can't have that. You're a bad influence on him and now even Ratchet starts to get on my side.'

'Back off or ill shoot you,' he warned when I stepped closer. I stopped for a moment. 'I want to hurt you so badly... I wanna do it...' I cut myself off. 'Don't worry... you'll get a slow painful death and after that, your family will follow. I hate families and I hate you,' I spat and lunged for him. He fired and hit my shoulder but I barely felt it and knocked him off his feet, overpowering him in only seconds. 'You think you can win from me? There's a reason why Megatron fears me, you know.' He wiggled in and struggled in my tight grip. 'I even killed my own team members to protect my brother and get what I want. People do not dominate me, let's that be clear. You understand?' I snapped. He nodded.

His breathing hitched. I raised my knife and stabbed him. 'This feels good... do you feel the life sucking out of you?' I asked. I stabbed him again until I was thrown away from him. I turned around and kicked Ironhide to the ground. We had a fierce fight where I managed to overpower him. 'Don't forget I am an ex-gladiator,' I hissed near his ear. 'You're insane!' He hissed. 'No! I fight for what is right and you don't know humans like I do. They're all the same,' I spat. He growled in anger. 'Gosh, Prowl pissed me off,' I snarled. I knocked him out and got up, looking down at Lennox. 'Your guardian is worthless... do you really think he protect you? I see you in hell,' I snapped before I left.

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