Chapter One

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Asch grabs the pan of burnt bread from the oven, forgetting that normal people would need to use gloves to grab the hot object. Warmth seeps into her hand, caressing her skin. She's slow to placing the pan on the countertop, observing her ruined food. Smoke lightly coats the area of the room, indicating that she almost set the house on fire.

As the baker's daughter, one would think that she would know how to make bread by now. This isn't the first time she has ruined bread and there is no doubt that she will fail again.

It's a wonder why Baron Elliot is insistent on marrying her. Not only is she his dead wife's younger sister, but she will also make a terrible wife. She cannot even make a simple loaf of bread.

The door opens with a soft creak, redirecting the young woman's attention. Her stepmother stands in the doorway, her eyes wide at the sight.

"What are you doing, Aschleigh!?" The woman demands in a quiet tone. She rushes over to Asch, her long legs carrying her to Asch's side within four strides. "Put that down before he catches you!"

It takes Asch a moment to realize that she is still holding the hot pan. She quickly places it onto the counter, surveying her hands. They are completely unharmed, as they always are when it comes to fire and anything hot. Asch has never experienced a burn in her life. Somehow, the girl was born immune to extremely hot temperatures.

It's a secret that her family has been burdened with for the past nineteen years. If anyone were to discover Asch's unnatural curse, they would drown her in a lake. Then, they would stone her family for keeping such a thing hidden for so long.

Ever since their neighbor died of a heart attack after witnessing Asch walk unscathed through fire several years ago, her father has drilled this information into her head. If he catches her breaking the rules he placed over her, there's no telling how he'd react.

Some of the smoke leaks out of the open door, drifting into the rest of the house. It's only a matter of time before her father notices the smell.

Her stepmother quietly coughs while she attempts to wave smoke away from her face. "Dear child, what have you done?" The woman asks.

A small sigh leaves Asch. "I was attempting to make bread so that I know how to take care of my future husband," she admits. Her shoulders sag at the sight of the blackened bread.

"That's what servants are for, child," her father spits out from the doorway. Anger shines in Robert Baker's dark eyes while he stares at the scenery. "What are you doing standing in a smoky room!? At least have the wits to fake a cough!"

His voice thunders throughout the household. If there were anyone living in the houses next door, Asch is certain that they would hear him.

Since Baron Elliot knows the truth about Asch's curse, Asch no longer sees the point in pretending. She knows that Elliot plans on never letting her leave the premises in the same way that he did to Rosetta. She's going to spend the rest of her life locked up in a house regardless of if she masters pretending to be normal.

Her stepmom must see the look on her face since Linay steps forward. "It's alright, my love. The smoke isn't even that bad."

He scowls at the woman, annoyed that she defended Asch. "How are we supposed to let her out of the house if she cannot even pretend while she's here?"

The young woman will not be getting out of this situation without some sort of punishment. Asch can sense that her last day of freedom will be spent trapped in this household. He'll likely give her an impossible task to justify his ultimate decision.

Linay places a gentle hand onto her husband's arm. "Perhaps you should be lenient on her. Today's her last day in this house."

He shakes her off him, keeping his gaze focused on his daughter. "Yes. That means that she still has to follow my rules." His gaze darts around the kitchen. "In order to attend the prince's engagement ball tonight, you must clean this entire house to my liking before we leave."

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