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Lyra's court is much livelier than Weldain's. It's what drew Rosetta in two years ago when she had escaped her miserable life in Weldain.

The people here seem to flourish, enjoying each other's presence and celebrating every little thing. Through her adventures in Lyra, Rosetta had seen everything that she had been denied. The love of her people. The love of her family. The riches. The power.

Had it not been for Asch, she would have gotten everything that she deserved. Instead, Rosetta had grown up in poverty surrounded by people who do not truly know her.

As she approaches the ballroom, Rosetta can hear the excited chatters from all the people. Lively music plays in the background while everyone celebrates their twin princes' birthday. They are easy for Rosetta to spot when she enters the ballroom, since they look remarkably different from everyone else.

Completely identical, the two princes are remarkably difficult to tell apart. Though they inherited their monolid eyes from their father, both men inherited their mother's dark skin. Their hair is white and wavy, a hint at their potential gifts. The pair have it styled back so that half of it is tied up.

In normal circumstances, Rosetta would likely try to speak with one or both of the men. She would attempt to flirt and see how far she can go with them.

Unfortunately, there will be no time for fun tonight.

She walks with confidence through the crowd, despite her mind informing her legs to turn back. With each step she takes, she gets closer to where King Arik is seated upon his throne surrounded by his seven sons.

He spots her just before she reaches the steps, coaxing one of his graying eyebrows. His hair is much more gray than it is white, a testament to time and stress. Far too many creases line his face, indicating that he is nothing more than an aging man. "Has it been done?" He questions.

Rosetta's hand shakes while it slips into the pocket of her dress. There's nothing that she can do to stop herself from pulling out the dagger.

Immediately, people around her begin to panic. They push past each other in an attempt to escape Rosetta, believing that she poses a threat to them. Guards begin to draw their swords and approach the woman from the corners of the room.

Rosetta places the blade to her throat, her hand not even shaking from the movement. "I have a message from my sister, Princess Aschleigh," she states. The words leave her lips from their own accord. They sound confident and righteous, echoing off the walls of the emptying ballroom.

Her gift had been the one remarkable gift about her. Rosetta had the ability to take control of others, just like her mother. Unlike her mother, though, Rosetta could take control of multiple people at once without strain. Though their gifts cannot be used against those who share the same ability, Rosetta had an advantage over the others. She had something unique and special to her.

It's just another thing that Asch has stolen from her.

"King Arik of Lyra, you have made the mistake of making an enemy out of me. Just as you have taken everything from me, I will now take everything from you." Rosetta stares unblinkingly at the king, seeing how he reacts to Asch's message. He does not seem to care too much about what Rosetta has to say, likely believing that Rosetta is here by choice. "Heed my message and heed it well, Your Majesty. For Rosetta will not be repeating herself." The woman tries to get her hand to drop the knife onto the floor. To stop what is going to come next. "I will do whatever it takes to take you down. For I am now a woman with nothing to lose."

Then, Rosetta removes the dagger from her throat and pinches her tongue.

One of the princes step forward, his brows furrowed in determination. "Stop," he orders. She can feel the command sing through her blood. It attempts to awaken the creature that has lain dormant in Rosetta for days since Asch shut her up.

It doesn't wake her body from her spell nor does it stop her from slicing off her own tongue. 

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