Chapter Fifteen

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August rereads the note for what may be the fiftieth time, hoping that this time he'll uncover a hidden secret within its words. He does not recognize the handwriting or the undeserving title its writer bestowed upon themselves.

The prince has never met a priestess in his life. They are exceedingly rare, living in the outskirts of the kingdom. None of them have the respect or power to convince someone to kill themselves after delivering their princess to a room full of dead bodies. None that August knows of at least.

Since the incident in the library yesterday, Asch has been more withdrawn. All of her focus and efforts has gone into learning who the priestess is and what happened to the family that was targeted.

The prince does not understand what the family has to do with Asch's mom, who is alive and well in the village. The woman seemingly had no knowledge of the attack and inquired about how Asch was adjusting.

No one outside of the royal family knows of the incident. Until the Priestess is found, no one will know of the incident.

Henrick enters the parlor attached to the young, royal couple's bedroom. He offers the pair a slight bow.

Immediately, Asch rises from her chair. She has been anticipating news about the blonde woman since the woman was sent to the healer. August had to convince her to go to bed last night. Even then, it took her hours to settle, unable to think of anything other than the dying woman.

This morning, it was the first thing she thought of. She skipped breakfast just so that she could ask Henrick about the woman's health— which was in an unstable condition.

Though Asch has not spoken with him very much, August has not left her side. He's done all that he can to quickly find the identity of the Priestess and to reassure his wife's safety.

"How is she?" Asch questions.

The smallest amount of sadness flickers through Henrick's face. In all the years that August has known Henrick, he has never seen the guard show any sadness. Over the years, Henrick has lost friends and has been abandoned by his family. He never shows any of that pain on his face nor does he talk about it.

His small display of emotion only shows that Henrick feels bad about sharing this news with Asch.

"I'm sorry, Princess Asch," Henrick responds. He tightens his grip around the hilt of his sword. "But I was just informed that she has succumbed to her wounds."

Devastation appears on Asch's face. Slowly, she sinks back down into the gray chair.

August walks to his wife's side, placing a hand onto her shoulder. "I will do everything in my power to find out who did this to her."

Lifting her gaze to Henrick, Asch gently squeezes the hand on her shoulder. "Can I see her?"

The guard gives her a brief nod. He turns to face the door, his shoulders sagged. Something seems heavy about his footsteps. As if there is a heavy weight settled on his shoulders now.

Asch stands, following after Henrick. Her hand never leaves August's, pulling the prince along with her.

A miserable silence sits between the trio as they wander the hallway. Two of the people that August cares for are in pain, and August does not know how to help them. Nothing that August can do will help either of the two most important people in his life.

By the time they make it to the room they kept the woman in, the priest and the healer are finished observing her final prayers.

Since she is considered a traitor to her country, this woman won't have a funeral. It is very likely that she will be buried in an unmarked grave where no one will ever visit. She will remain nameless, and unidentified. As will the man and the child that were found with her in the library.

Both men bow before the royals, showing their proper respect. "Your Highnesses," the priest greets.

August gives the men a slight nod as a way to dismiss them. As soon as they are gone, the royal couple enters the room. Henrick remains posted outside.

August closes the door behind them to allow Asch the privacy to mourn without the extra watchful eyes that wander the palace. He watches as she approaches the body with slow, tentative steps.

There's the type of pain in his wife's eyes that tells August that this woman is no mere stranger. Asch knows the woman lying on the bed.

He knows that he should wait until the wound is not as fresh to ask about the relationship the pair once shared. The curiosity is eating him up inside, however, proving to be too much for him to hold back. "How did you know her?"

His wife does not turn around to look at him. It takes her a moment to speak, her voice thick with emotion. "She was my birth mother."

Guilt constricts his heart. There is still so much he does not know about Asch. He knows very little of her past and the relationships she once had with others.

Some days, Asch is just as much of a mystery to him as the day they met. August so desperately wants to change that, but he does not even know where to begin.

"So the woman I met the morning after our marriage—"

"Was my stepmother," Asch finishes. She intently studies the blonde's bruised face. "Lucinda left Rosetta and I with our father when I was really young to be with her lover." She pauses for a moment, drawing in a deep breath. "I believe his name was Jacques."

This woman abandoned her. She fled her duty to be a mother to the two young girls she brought into the world so that she could start all over again with a new man.

Of course Asch never mentioned Lucinda to him. She is no longer able to be considered Asch's mother. Not after she left Asch behind without a second glance.

That must have been really hard on you," he states. August cannot fathom experiencing something similar. He cannot think about doing such a thing to a child.

Looking back at him, Asch shrugs. "I had my big sister. She took great care of me and she was always there for me." There's a thickness that coats her voice. Tears mist the girl's eyes while she stares at him. "I didn't realize how much I missed Rosetta until Henrick told me the news."

For a woman so young, Asch has already experienced so much. August wants to ensure that nothing comes to break her down even further. He's going to do everything in his power to build her up.

Even if the gods try to continue their cruel pursuits against her, August will be there to deflect the blows.

Asch turns to fully face him. "I know that Lucinda is considered a traitor for the attempt she had made on my life," she begins. There's something heartbreaking about the look on her face. It makes August want to grant all of her wishes just to make the pain go away. "Is it possible to bury her beside her husband and son? In a place where they won't be disturbed?"

To fulfill a request like that, August will have to beg his father. Traitors are not supposed to be honored with traditional funerals. They are not supposed to be buried next to their family members. They are supposed to lay cold and alone so that Vecnos knows to punish that person's soul.

Lucinda was Asch's mother, even if she wasn't a good one. It isn't August's place to determine whether Lucinda deserves to have peace in death. Since Asch is the woman's only descendant left alive, it is Asch's rightful place. If Asch believes Lucinda should move on in peace, August cannot do anything except honor her wishes.

Offering his wife a nod, he takes a few steps closer to her. "I will do everything in my power to make it so."

She nods, her lip quivering. "Thank you." As she blinks rapidly, tears slip down her cheeks. "I know that I am asking a lot of you. Especially given the circumstances that you met her in."

He shakes his head. "She is your mother." He says the words with finality and conviction. "And I am your husband. I will honor any and all of your wishes."

Asch steps closer, embracing him. When the prince wraps his arms around her, the princess lets out a quiet sob. Her tears soak into the material of his shirt.

August will find this so-called Priestess. He will get justice for Asch, Lucinda, Jacques, and that little boy. No one will ever be hurt by the actions of the Priestess again. August will make sure of that.

And then, he and Asch will have their happily ever after. 

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