Chapter Twenty-Three

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Neither Princess Asch nor Queen Julianne have said a single word throughout their entire carriage ride. The silence has made Asch grow antsy, unsure as to where they are going. When she had extended Asch an invitation to leave the palace, Queen Julianne had not informed the young woman on where they would be going.

Directly to Asch's right, Henrick stares out of the carriage window. With the queen's close proximity, it is guaranteed that the captain will not be saying anything during the entire journey. Thus, taking away Princess Asch's opportunity to speak to him about his past.

"It is only a week shy of your one year anniversary," the queen begins. Though she is speaking directly to Asch, she has her gaze set on the windows while she watches the scenery blur past. "Yet, you have not had a single moment of peace."

Trying her best to fake a smile, the young woman rests her hands in her lap. "I suppose that comes with marrying a prince."

There's a fire in the woman's brown eyes when she looks at her daughter-in-law. "Nothing about your circumstances has been normal. Even with marrying a prince."

Asch is far too aware that she is the cause for these abnormal circumstances. It is the Priestess's personal vendetta against Asch that has not only put her life in danger, but also the life of her husband and Henrick's. Most days, Asch cannot help but feel guilt for the difficulty she has brought with her. Especially when she sees Henrick favoring one leg over the other from when they had been attacked by Baron Elliot and his men.

The young woman dips her head and looks down at her brown hands. "I suppose that is true, Your Majesty."

She can feel the carriage begin to slow as they approach their destination. The horses at the front whine while the singular coachman calls out for the queen.

Julianne studies the girl with a scrutinous gaze. Her eyes are hungry and full of an intensity that makes Asch nervous. The princess finds it difficult to maintain eye contact with the older woman.

Henrick slightly shifts in his seat. He darts his gaze between the two women and the window outside as if trying to access what could possibly be more dangerous.

"Neither you nor my son have informed me on how the two of you had met," the queen claims. She cups her knees with her palms, slightly wrinkling the skirts of her beautiful, violet gown. The smile that she gives Asch is nowhere close to genuine. It reminds Aschleigh of the way that Duchess Clifton tends to smile before she shares some new gossip about one of her friends. It's predatory and almost manipulative.

Throughout their time together, no one has bothered to ask Asch and August how they had met. The fact that they had married one another in the dead of night before his wedding to Princess Juniper was scandalous enough. The couple never had to come up with a story to sell their love. No one ever truly questioned them.

With all the time that has passed, however, the lie seems almost silly to continue. Clearly, August and Asch were able to develop real, true feelings with one another over their time spent together. The damage that their accidental marriage had created has already been fixed. The only consequence that the pair may face is the king's mood swings, which nearly had him cut his son's face a year ago. Asch does not want to be the reason her husband faces his father's wrath.

Asch awkwardly wrings her hands together. "I'm afraid that there isn't too much to tell."

Immediately, the queen waves off Asch's dismissal. "Nonsense. A love story is a love story." She turns her attention onto Henrick, who has his focus kept to the window outside. "What about you, Henrick? What do you know of August and Asch's introduction to one another?"

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