Chapter Six

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The dress shop is as empty as it was yesterday. There are very few patrons in this shop, including Asch and Henrick— who August ordered to accompany on her journey.

She's here to buy a few more dresses since she did not have the opportunity to do so yesterday. The owner is seated behind a counter, sketching on a pad of paper. Meanwhile, a little boy and a little girl dart between all of the dresses. It's difficult to see them since they are quick to hide when they get behind a dress.

The woman looks up from her sketch when she hears Henrick's boot scuff against the floor. Immediately, the woman jumps to her feet. "Good morning, Your Highness." She offers a shallow curtsy, her gray eyes moving to the floor.

Asch had forgotten that formalities came with her title. It surprises her, at first, but she is quick to rid herself of the look on her face. "Good morning," she responds. Her gaze moves toward all of the dresses. "I am in need of a few dresses. My husband and I will be leaving for our honeymoon soon."

A soft smile grows across the woman's thin lips. "I have plenty of dresses. I can even design a few, if you would like."

"Thank you, Miss...?"

"Evelyn Smith, Your Highness."

The little girl peeks from behind one of the dress racks, her dark eyes wide with curiosity. Her gorgeous hair falls into small waves on her back. It's such a dark brown, close to black. The way her dress is cut, it's easy to see a dark birthmark on her collarbone.

"I believe I will start by taking a look at these dresses," Asch informs the woman.

Henrick follows close behind her, clearly bored and annoyed by their adventure outside the palace. When Asch pauses by a rack to look at the dresses, he turns his back to her. "Nothing will come out of this trip," he claims. "I told you I lost the king between here and the tavern."

Touching the fine silk of the pink dress in front of her, Asch glances at the guard. "I'm here to buy a few dresses, Henrick," she responds. "Nothing more."

A loud huff leaves the man's lips while she moves her attention to the next dress. This one is a pale purple color that is absolutely stunning. It has a high neckline that connects with buttons at the top. While hanging up, it trails slightly downwards and provides no shape.

When she pulls it off the rack, she discovers the little boy from earlier to be hiding behind it. He has the same eye and hair color as the little girl, who she presumes to be his sister, as well as the same birthmark. His facial structure, however, is very different. Where the girl has a rounded face and soft nose, the boy is all angles. Sharp nose. Sharp cheekbones. Sharp jaw.

"You're very pretty," the boy compliments. He cannot be older than six. Shyly hiding behind him is that girl, who is likely to be four.

Smiling, Asch crouches before the pair. "Thank you. You are quite handsome." She peers at the girl, watching as she ducks behind the boy. "You are very pretty as well."

After the compliment, the girl peeks out from behind the boy. "Are you a princess?" She asks.

Asch can see that the child's gaze is fixated on the crown on top of her head."I am," she responds. "My name is Princess Asch."

"I'm Grant," the boy claims. "My dad picked my name."

Children will always be a wonder to Asch. Sometimes, they are loud and exuberant. Other times, they are quiet and shy. This pair seems like the type that only need to become comfortable before revealing their true personalities.

"That is a very fitting name for you," Asch responds. "Your father is certainly a wise man."

Grant bends his arms as if to show off his muscles. "He's super brave and strong, too! My daddy travels all around the world to protect people."

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