Chapter Eighteen

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Henrick is noticeably upset about the fact that he has been assigned to be Asch's personal guard. He's grouchier than usual, mumbling comments under his breath when an opportunity arises.

He does not direct his attitude toward Asch, instead mostly commentating about the people she has been interacting with.

Today, Duchess Clifton is on the receiving end of his quiet remarks. She has been acting almost tyrannical since the tea party incident, taking her anger out on the servants and guards surrounding her.

Even Asch has grown tired of her bossiness. She hates to see how fearful and anxious the servants get when the woman makes a demand.

The pair sit inside of the tea room in the corner with massive windows. Four beautiful ivory chairs sit in a small circle in the corner. Asch tries not to fidget in her seat from the discomfort that the hard chairs bring.

There's no real appeal to the chairs other than decorative purposes since they have no padding to sit on. They barely have back support because they stop after six inches.

"I'm so glad that you agreed to spend some time reading with me, Your Highness," the Duchess claims. She offers the princess a smile that does not reach her eyes. "All the other women have been avoiding me since they heard that nasty rumor."

It's not like Asch had much of a choice in the matter. Duchess Clifton's husband owns most of Weldain's farmland. One wrong move could lead the country into turmoil over petty games.

Giving the woman a slight head nod, Asch lifts her book higher so that she can cover most of her facial expressions. "Of course, Duchess Clifton." She winces in preparation of the next words she plans on saying. "I'm not sure why everyone would believe such a silly little rumor. It's clear that you love your husband deeply."

Directly behind Asch, Henrick uses a cough to stifle his laughter. Fortunately, Duchess Clifton is far too unobservant to notice. Otherwise, Henrick would definitely be hearing an earful from her. Then, Asch would be the next miserable person to listen to the woman's complaints.

Duchess Clifton nods her head. "When I find the source of this rumor, I will be sure to punish them for ruining my friendships and my marriage."

Henrick quietly mutters something under his breath, clearly annoyed that he is currently in this situation. Asch is certain that he would much rather be anywhere else than here in this room. If he continues with his quiet commentary, however, he will find himself in a much worse situation.

Slowly, Asch rises to her feet. The action forces the woman sitting several feet across from her to scramble to her own. Elinora studies the princess, unsure of what to make of the situation.

"I will be right back," Asch informs the older woman. She closes her half-read book before holding it up. "I'm going to get myself a new book."

Elinora drops into a shallow curtsy, barely lowering her head.

The guard captain quietly trails behind her. They travel in silence until they make it to an empty hallway. There, Asch turns around to face Henrick. "What was that?"

Coaxing a brow, Henrick casually crosses his arms. "That was an introduction to the rest of your life," he answers. "Duchess Elinora Clifton is a vulture."

"I meant," she begins in a stern tone. She narrows her gaze at the man. "What was with all the comments and laughter?"

He shrugs. "Someone had to liven up the room." Henrick leans against the wall, pressing his back against it so that she can see both sides of the hallway. "Otherwise, our entire time spent there would have been incredibly boring."

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