Chapter Eight

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August does not expect this meeting to go well. 

With King Timothy's outburst in the previous meeting and the insignificant changes he made to his original proposal, it's very likely that nothing substantial is going to get discussed.

Offering the king a large plot of land on the border of Weldain to use for a business had been a risky move he is certain his father would not approve of in most other circumstances. In his proposal, August has set out rules the king must follow while on his property. Rules that may seem demanding and unbeneficial, but save the prince in security risk.

He can only hope that the king will see to reason. Otherwise, he may become an exiled prince of a conquered country.

Or worse.

King Timothy enters the room with a straightened spine and a deep scowl. He barely spares the young prince a glance before he takes a seat at the end of the long table.

August does not receive the time necessary to think of something to say before the king speaks. "I have had time to think over your proposal," he claims. "And I've decided to accept your terms."

A large majority of August's focus goes into keeping a neutral reaction. To say he is shocked would be an understatement. The prince never expected for King Timothy to cast aside his pride long enough to consider anything August had to say.

He lifts a pencil and grabs a piece of paper. "Shall we write down the agreed upon terms?" He questions. "I can have someone write the official document for us to sign later this evening."

There's something similar to a defeated look on the older man's face. It's easy for August to tell that the king does not want to discuss these terms. That he hates every aspect about this meeting.

If he hates the terms so much, then why is he agreeing to them? King Timothy has the upper hand. August needs to come to an agreement with him far more than the king needs it. That type of power should allow the king to make the plan that he wants.

His reluctance does not affect you, August tells himself. He begins to write out the draft, purging all doubt from his mind.


Though he sees her everyday, August still forgets how to breathe when he lays eyes on his wife. It's easy for him to forget that they married by accident. That one other decision would have changed the course of their lives in unfathomable ways.

If they hadn't drank so much on the night of his engagement ball, he would not be celebrating the success of the agreement with Asch. He wouldn't be memorizing the way Asch's dimples form when she gives away her proud smiles.

He's certain that he would not have liked June. Not in the way that he likes Asch.

"You're beautiful, you know," he comments while Asch grabs her glass of wine. "Absolutely stunning."

A faint blush tints her cheeks and her smile grows wider. Those dimples of hers deepen even further than what should be possible. He wants to see that kind of smile on her face for the rest of her lifetime. "You are quite the charming prince." She pauses for a moment as if thinking over her words. "Perhaps I should start calling you Prince Charming."

He leans forward to plant a kiss onto her cheek. "I'm only being honest. You are the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Prince Honesty does not sound as good," she claims. "I suppose I could call you Prince Handsome?"

"Hmm?" He muses. The nickname doesn't sound quite the same, but he does like the fact that she finds him handsome. "I think we can come up with something better."

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