Chapter Fourteen

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Either Asch is being paranoid, or something is due to go horribly wrong.

Life has been going too well. After the memorial service, the people have not stopped talking about their love and adoration for Asch and August. It has caused the king and queen to treat Asch like their actual daughter. The queen will invite the princess to attend events with all of the ladies. She'll offer her guidance, coordinate dress colors, and shower her with compliments.

Asch is not the only one who has been receiving good fortune lately. August has made significant progress in his swordsmanship, practically besting his best guard. He has been training since the healer has deemed it safe to do. He wakes up early every morning to practice in the courtyard with Henrick, who was promoted to guard captain not too long ago.

Sometimes, Asch will watch over the two of them from the bedroom window. She'll analyze all the moves they make and memorize the way that they fight. She is painfully aware that it was not her skills that saved them. If a similar situation were to happen to her and August again, Asch won't be able to save them again.

She was underestimated the first time, which is a mistake that others will not make.

After being knocked onto the ground by Henrick once again, August uses the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He redirects his gaze to the castle, quickly spotting Asch looking down at him. All hints of fatigue leave his face while he smiles up at her. He casually waves his hand, exhibiting his princely charms.

Asch smiles back, giving him a wave of her own. A quiet peace flows through her body as she leans against the sill.

It's far too easy for Asch to picture the rest of their lives. She can see herself watching August just like this every morning until she is pulled away to do something else.

The future she sees now is much different than the one she had a few months ago. In this future, she sees a life with August. She can see the two of them falling in love and having children. She can see them growing old together.

She can see the two of them being happy.

Someone gently knocks on her door, pulling her attention away from the window. She walks through the parlor to get to the door, unsure on who she will find waiting for her on the other side.

She knows that the king and queen are taking their younger son to a birthday party for a member of the royal court. Since the party is skewed for people closer to Valentino's age, Asch and August have been excused from attending.

Tugging open her bedroom door, Asch is greeted by a page. He looks to be a few years younger than her, with a round face and soft brown eyes. She practically towers over the poor boy. Especially with the heels she is currently wearing.

Normally, pages look nervous to stand around her. This boy appears to be perfectly calm, offering her a graceful bow. "Your Highness," he states. "There has been a gift left for you in the library."

Her brows furrow while she looks down at the boy. "A gift?" She inquires. "Do you know who sent it?"

He gives his head a slight shake. "I'm not quite sure. The contents of it does seem to be very important."

She takes a small step outside of her bedroom, closing the door behind her. As she follows the page to the library, Asch begins to wonder about the gift's origin. It could be a late wedding gift from some of the further countries. August and Asch have been receiving quite a few of those lately.

The hallway leading to the library is empty. No guards or servants roam the area, likely concentrated in other areas in the palace. There's a silence that descends upon the pair, which is only interrupted by the sound of their shoes against the polished floor.

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