Chapter Four

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If there was a way for August to further hold off this conversation with his father, he would do so in a heartbeat. Having already been announced by the king's pages, he could no longer avoid it.

It was time for him to face the consequences of his actions.

August and Asch enter the king's strategy room at each other's side. Much to her credit, Asch does not appear to be openly afraid of what they are about to face. He wishes that he could hold her hand to draw a bit of strength from her. He isn't stupid, though. Such a display would only set the king off further than what August wants. And he doesn't want Asch to be a witness to that.

Anger glows in his father's green eyes. His pale face is reddened and contorted into a shape that can only be interpreted as pure rage. "Why have you called off the wedding!?" The king demands. His voice echoes through the large room. If the doors weren't closed, August is sure that the sound would carry out through the castle. "Do you have any idea how difficult it is to plan such a thing? To bring out that many royal families to bear witness?"

Trying to remain calm, August avoids looking his father in the eye. "I cannot marry Princess June." His voice is surprisingly even, with no amount of wavering or strange fluctuation.

All light in the room seems to scatter, as if scared by the angry king in the space. "I beg your pardon?" His tone is thick with malice. It promises violence.

The king brings his attention to the woman standing beside his son, who does not flinch away from the man's gaze. "Who is this?"

Any bit of confidence August believed he had is now scattered away. "Father, this is my wife. Aschleigh Baker."

For a moment, the king becomes entirely still. It gives August hope that his father is taking the news far better than anticipated. Then, the man sweeps his arms across the table in front of him, knocking down papers, books, pens, and ink. He slams his hands onto the table, glowering angrily at the pair.

August unconsciously steps in front of his wife, trying to maintain a steady gaze.

"Wife," the king snarls. "You ran off to marry a commoner!"

A lump forms in the prince's throat. His father has never been this angry before— and August has done plenty of stupid things to warrant this type of anger. Normally, the king is a vision of calm. Admitting the truth may make this situation much worse.

So, August takes a few steps closer to his father and creates a lie. "I love her, father. With all of my being, I love her." He puts on the persona of love-stricken prince, hoping it will be enough to calm the king. "It's the type of love that I will never be able to give anyone else."

He meets his father's gaze, sealing his and Aschleigh's fate. Silence fills the strategy room for thirty seconds as father and son stare at each other.

King Orgyn grabs a fistful of his son's shirt, drawing August closer. A gasp leaves Aschleigh's lips as his lips pull back into a snarl. "Foolish boy," the king grinds out.

There's something different in his father's eyes. Something wild and untameable. Something that August only sees placed on those who defy his father's wishes.

Something that terrifies August.

Aschleigh rushes toward the pair, staring at the king pleadingly. "Please, Your Majesty, let Augustus go!" She begs.

Her plea falls on deaf ears as the king grabs his favorite dagger. He presses the edge of the blade to his son's cheek, anger darkening his eyes. "You've ruined everything." The blade is hard enough against August's cheek that it would only take the slightest bit of pressure to draw blood. "We needed this alliance, and you threw it all away for what? Some common girl!?"

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