Chapter Five

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The tulle dress Aschleigh chose is a lot nicer than what she is used to. It's a darker shade of gray at the top that fades into a light pink past her knees. Its thin straps wrap around the back of her neck. The neckline makes a short v, stopping a couple of inches below her collarbone. Long pieces of tulle fall from the top section of the dress, making it look like she's floating whenever she walks.

She looks absolutely stunning in it, just like she had in the green dress she was wearing earlier. Asch looks more royal than any other person that is going to be at that party.

August knows this for certain.

Shyly bringing her gaze to the ground, Asch plays with the necklace in her hand. "I look like a fraud, don't I?" She asks him.

Realizing he has been staring at her for an extended period of time, August jumps from the bed. He shakes his head vigorously. "No," he claims. "You, my dear, are going to steal all of the attention from everyone with how beautiful you are."

Her eyes drift back to his face, searching for a hint of a lie. August knows how nervous Asch is about being absolutely perfect. People are going to look for any flaws in Asch, who was never supposed to be August's bride.

It's not unheard of for royalty to marry commoners, but the heirs always marry another royal. Heirs are held to higher standards, since they are to become the kingdom's future rulers. Their choices are limited and their marriages are most often arranged.

After a few seconds, Asch lets out a quiet breath. "Could you help me put this necklace on?"

Grabbing the silver necklace from her hand, August nods his head. Asch turns her back to him, pulling her curly hair from her shoulders.

August takes his time putting the necklace on her, fingers gently brushing her soft skin. After a few moments, he brings his hands back to his sides. "There," he states.

Asch releases her hair while turning back to face him. The necklace compliments her dress very well, being a necklace with silver vines that connect with one another.

Everything about Aschleigh Baker currently radiates royalty. She's only missing one item.

On the nightstand is the crown he had crafted for her while he was running about the castle. It's as beautiful as he intended it to be. It's a beautiful shade of rose gold, creating an intricately delicate framework. A mixture of sparkling diamonds and pale blue stones dance throughout the crown.

Taking it into his hands, August turns the crown over so that it is facing the correct direction. Then, he gently places the crown on top of her head. Despite the fact that Asch wasn't sized, the crown fits her head perfectly.

There are no words in any language to describe how beautiful she is. Asch transcends the level of a normal human. It's almost as though she's a goddess.

His gaze moves between those perfect hazel eyes and her lips. "Can I kiss you?" He asks her in a breathless tone.

Without hesitation, Asch nods her head. "Yes," she responds. Her voice is just as breathless as his.

He cups her face with his hands, lowering his lips onto hers. Asch's lips are unbelievably soft. They fit with his lips, as if they are two halves of a whole.

August has only kissed two people in his life. One was a princess at a party— the two of them managed to slip away into an empty corridor. The other was a duchess, who was a horrible kisser. Neither one of those times did August feel self-conscious about his kissing abilities.

It's different with Asch, who is the best person he has ever kissed. This is the first kiss they have shared that August can remember, so he wants it to be memorable for her. He wants it to be perfect. He wants—

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