Chapter Seven

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Most of the people in the palace are asleep. The sun has been gone for at least two hours, meaning that it's close to midnight. It leaves Asch with the perfect opportunity to speak with King Timothy about accepting August's proposal. Especially considering what she has to say.

Henrick hadn't questioned her when she asked for him to gather the king. She had expected some sort of backlash from him. Something that would stay true to his normal behavior toward her. All he had done was quirk an eyebrow at her and left.

Folding her hands in her lap, Asch tries to make herself appear calm. She's in control of this situation. The king will have no choice but to listen to her.

Loud footsteps enter the room moments before the king does. His face is fixed in its usual scowl, making him look older than he actually is. Once he spots Asch seated in a chair, his glare intensifies. He pauses in the doorway, preventing Henrick from entering the room. "I was told I was being called to an important meeting," he states.

Asch musters the confidence to gesture the king toward the open chair across from her. "This is an important meeting," she claims. "Please, take a seat."

Immediately, he turns his back on her. "I don't have any desire to listen to little girls playing princess."

"Not even your own?" Asch calls after him. He stops in the doorway, now interested in what she has to say. "Or what about your son playing the role of a prince?"

He turns back around to face her. "I don't have a son."

Shaking her head, Asch sighs in disappointment. She can feel Henrick's heavy gaze resting on her. She never told him nor anyone else about her plan to blackmail a powerful king. She knows he would have advised against it if she and so would August. That's why she kept the truth to herself until now.

"Grant would be so disappointed to hear such a statement come from your mouth. He considers you his hero."

His entire body goes rigid. All attempts to keep his face neutral fail him while he panics. Those long legs of his allow him to cross the room in a few strides. "What is this!?" He demands. His voice is just barely above a whisper.

Gesturing once more to the chair across from her, Asch focuses on keeping her hand steady. "Think of this as a discussion. One that will lead to us both benefiting in the end." She pauses for a moment to consider her words. "A negotiation, if you will."

King Timothy does not move for thirty seconds, likely searching for a way out. Slowly, the man ventures toward the chair and takes a seat.

When Asch looks up at Henrick, he has a neutral expression on his face. There's no indication for if he approves of her decision or if he thinks she's being foolish. "Could you please close the door? We wouldn't want the facts of this discussion to leave this room."

Without hesitation, Henrick does as he's told. He puts his back to the door, looking at Asch once more. He wants to know what comes next. That's why he hasn't done anything to stop her. Henrick is interested in seeing how this situation plays out.

"Here is my offer," Asch claims. "You will accept Augustus's proposal—"

"Are you mad!" The king interrupts. "Not even a fool would take the deal your husband is proposing."

The young woman gives the man a pointed look. "And only a fool would reject my offer before hearing what I have to say."

Pursing his lips, King Timothy leans back in his chair. After a few moments of silence, Asch takes the invitation to continue. "I'm aware that you provide Evelyn fine silks to use while also giving her enough money to sustain her business." Folding her hands together, Asch tries to appear like a woman that means business. "My proposal is that I will take care of Evelyn for you. I will only buy dresses from her, I will advertise her designs, and I will keep your secret.

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