Chapter 1

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10 years had passed and Y/N, 18, was all grown up now living on the island with her animal friends, having fun while Ayoama brags "see I told you this is my idea to save her" Midoryia facepalm himself because he keep complaining that Y/n needs to get out but now that Y/n is a beautiful lady, Ayoama never stop bragging that was his idea.

Y/n giggled, she skip in the beach "come on Uraraka!" She called and Uraraka, the elephant, chuckled as well when catching up to her "I'm coming Ocean... wait up!"

Nothing beats a beautiful day on the island as the seas are still crystal blue with dolphins leaping and performing tricks then Y/n and her friends did everything together "there's so much to be seen. From a new trampoline" jumping to see how high they can go and Midoryia won.

The next thing that are on the list is activities so Y/n made a wooden spear and sling it to cut the rim of the bananas and the coconuts fall while Midoryia grabbed it "birds and bananas" and since Ayoama is royalty he just laid down "comfy cabanas"

"Shells covered vases to fill" and Midoryia used his ears to hold coconuts shells "coconut glasses..."

"Maybe with mint with molasses and maybe pineapple patties to grill."

After that, they swing on vines as a race to see who will win and Ayoama took a small nap "nap in the sun."

"There are mud pies to make"

"And branches to shaaaakeeee" and when Midoryia lost his balance Uraraka caught him with her trunk "thank Uraraka" he thank her "no problem."

"Treasures await any road that you take" so all them them split up as Y/n said "I'll take the high path" jumping through branches while Midoryia called "and I'll take the low path" hopping to find as Ayoama sore to the sky "and I'll take the path through the sky."

"I'll jump the river" taking a leap by the lake stones then Midoryia said "and I'll climb the mountain" but with Uraraka she has nothing to do except staring " and I'll stay here, guarding the pies."

They all climb up the cliff to dive into the sea, Midoriya
and Aoyama dived first screaming in joy, then Y/N dived in while doing a flip, then they swam far away as when Uraraka dived in to make a huge splash.

"Here on our island the days are a dream
Hanging together we works as a team
And the magic extends from our family of friends
Here on our island the fun never ends."

All of them ran out for a race again "last one there is a rotten papaya!" Ayoama fly above them "jokes of you Ayoama! Your the rotten papaya Ayoama!" Ayoama looked at the others that they in font of him.

"Oh heaven no!!"


Meanwhile at the night of the Bakugo kingdom, Bakugo became King of his land but in the throne room, there he sat in his throne were he waiting if there's any news until Kirishima came in "any news shittyhair?"

"My apologies" he bow with his right arm by his chest "there is no news about your sister. In fact..." he lift his head "none of the kingdom had no signs where she might wash off to." Kirishima hate it when his buddy, Katsuki, sulking that his sister has been missing for far too long "I'll be in my quarters" Bakugo excuse himself so he can go to his room and see half of his room where her sister was then looking at a painting of him and his sister when they were young.

"Oni chan, hurry! Mum is baking cooking and I do not want to miss that" Young Y/n ran as fast as she could by the corridor where the kitchen is "Oi slow down! I don't want you..." he was trying to finish his sentence by saying you'll hurt yourself but Y/n falls and scratch her knees.

Bakugo facepalm himself "I tried to warn you" he help her up and grabbing her arms around his neck for support "gomen oni chan" Y/n apologise but only Bakugo is soft around his little sister. "I know you want those cookies that old hag baked but I'll get them for you" and Y/n eyes beam "that is why your the best king and best oni chan ever!"

Bakugo will always treasure that memories when he even promised that he's king but the most thing he treasure the most is the song.


On the island, it was also night time so everyone was peacefully sleeping, Y/n was sleeping in the tree, Midoriya and Aoyama were relaxing on the branches but sometimes Midoryia used Ayoama's feathers as a blanket, and as for Uraraka was laying on the bottom of the tree.

In Uraraka point of view she had a nightmare where all of her friends abandoned her as she started kicking the tree where everyone was sleeping in. Midoriya got out of Ayoama feather blanket looking where that kicking came from and fell of the branch, Aoyama was the same that Uraraka woken him up and fell. "es tu sérieux? (are you serous?)"

Y/n woke up as well and climb down while Ayoama complain "somebody doesn't care about my beauty sleep" added in a tired voice before he flew back to his branch, Y/n small smiled at Ayoama because he love his beauty rest so Y/n woke her up softly "Uraraka! Uraraka!" Uraraka woke up with a gasp and looked at Y/n "Ocean? I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" But Y/n told her "it's okay" but Ayoama complained more "humph, easy for you to say! You don't have to rearrange hundreds of feathers" even throwing a death stare at Midoryia.

"May I reminded you that I'll help you with your feathers" Ayoama wanted to talk back but he lost "I'll just stay up for a while" she sigh "well like all night" she added in a sad voice so Y/n join in too "I'll join you."

"Really?" Uraraka smiled with glee "yeah, we'll stay up together" so Midoryia wave them see ya later "come back safe guys!" And Y/n replied "we will!" So Y/n and Uraraka
went for a little walk around the island and went to a
special place to stargaze.

"Do you see them?" Uraraka asked "yeah," she replied as she pointed the stars "that's your star and Midoriya's and
mine and Aoyama's" each stars that she pointed shows that most stars are staying together and Uraraka pointed out "Ayoama has two!"

"He's is royalty" she smiled and when Uraraka saw the smile she asked her "can you...can you sing a song?"

"Of course" Y/n replied

"Sun goes down and we are here together.
Fireflies glow like a thousand charms.
Stay with me and you can dream forever right here in my

"Where did you learn that song again?" Uraraka asked while Y/n one shoulder shrug "I don't know, I've always just known it by heart."

"Its magic when you are here beside me.
Close your eyes and let me hold you tight.
Everything that I could ever need is right here in my
arms, Tonight..."

"Will you be able to sing that other part too?" Uraraka requested again and Y/n nodded "alright but you know I don't remember all the words"

"La la la Lalala~
Stars begin to climb~
Lalala~ Lalala~
La la la la la~ Lalalalala"

When Y/n finished her song that she only remembered, she heard soft snoring sound coming from Uraraka. Y/n looked at Uraraka who was peacefully sleeping "Goodnight Uraraka. Sweet dreams."

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