Chapter 3

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A/n: Please watch the video

After a long journey to the seas, Todoroki walked up to them "well, what do you think?" he asked and Y/n looked "it's so...well it's different alright" she answered then a servant was packing the luggage the Prince had brought, and in surprise he saw the prince "your highness, its good to have you back" the servant said while Todoroki simply nodded.

The servant looked shocked when they saw Y/n's friends "Ara my! What kind of beasts have you brought home this time?" the servant asked and yet again Ayoama gasp "I'm sorry, did he call me BEAST?!" Uraraka and Midoryia looked at him 'that person called us beast Ayoama. What about us?"

When Ayoama kept complaining, hearing him caught the people's attention to see random animals in the kingdom and Y/n came and saw the village, "it's unbelievable" she gasp "the royal carriage" the servant said while opening the

When Aoyama heard the words 'Royal Carriage' he stop complaining and excitedly flew inside the carriage while
talking "translation please?" Todoroki asked "Ayoama likes riding in style" she explained and when Todoroki got on he lend out a hand "and as for you" Y/n felt hesitant about to go in but when she accepted his hand, Uraraka grabbed hers signalling her to stay by her side.

Y/n understand "I hope you don't mind, I'll go with Uraraka" she said and Todoroki smiled a little bit "if that what's you wish" he got on the carriage while Y/n hop on to Uraraka's back so that way Uraraka would followed the carriage that is going to the castle.


They made their way to it and they were all amazed by the beauty of it so while they were stopping, a guy with white hair along with a girl that also has white hair but red streaks started going down the stairs.

"Shoto, your back!" they both exclaimed while giving him a
hug,"do you have any idea how much we miss you?" Then both of them saw the girl behind Todoroki "Ara my, whose she?"

"She my friend, her name is Ocean." Y/n got off from Uraraka back "hi" she wave at them "hello Ocean, my name is Fuyumi, the second Todoroki, Shoto's oni san" Fuyumi smiled "I'm Natsuo, the third Todoroki, Shoto's oni chan" Natsuo smiled added "are these your pets as well?"

"No, there my family" she answered before introducing everyone the them "the bunny is name Midoryia" Midoryia wave and Fuyumi just squill in awe "that one is Ayoama" and Ayoama gasp "more royalties, I'm in heaven."

Y/n just chucked "and that one is Uraraka"and Uaraka is shy to speak somebody new "so, you have grown up in an island, far away, but how did you end up on that island? A shipwreck?" Fuyumi asked "well, if I'm being honest, I don't really remember how, Midoriya just said that he found me on the shore when I was a little girl."

"Anyways, I want to introduce you to my mother" Todoroki
said while Y/n nodded and followed him, she even asked questions about the first child and Fuyumi replied "well Touya is in his kingdom with his wife but he sometimes visit isn't Natsuo, Shoto?"

So I'm the thrown room, the king and queen were waiting for their son to return from his voyage. Let's say that the king name is Enji but most people call him Endeavour, why? 'try hard to do or achieve something,' was a high strict man but he even tried his best to be the great ruler so he can be number one, still holding a grudge on the Bakugo kingdom.

The Queen's name is Rei so she's a wonderful kind and patient. She even has a pet monkey name Mina but her nickname for others is Pinky, why? Her fur has some pink on it but does have some blue and purple spots as well.

The King showed his favoritism to the fourth Todoroki, because he keeps nagging him that Shoto Todoroki would be the next ruler of the kingdom even though, he was the youngest among his siblings.

"We should have waited..." The queen said in a soft voice
"I know what's best for my own son!" The king replied in a
slightly loud voice "our son" she corrected him "how? He could of told me that he's going somewhere! He needs to learn responsibility!" He said slightly raising his voice "don't be too hard on him" the queen said then the doors opened, when Todoroki walked up to greet his mother.

"Shoto, welcome back" She said while getting up to her thrown and huging her son "nice to see you came back" the king monotone but Todoroki simple nod at his old man "mother, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, her name is Ocean" Todoroki said and turn back to look at the door waiting for her to come in, instead of Y/n, Aoyama came in
"Pardon, that's Aoyama" then Midoriya walked in
"and the bunny is Midoriya" now he's wondering where Y/n is "another pet for me? Ara ara, he's charming, don't you think so Mina?" The queen said and Mins shrugged her shoulders sarcastically.

Todoroki found Y/n behind the door because she was too nervous so Todoroki took her hand and led her into the room. The King and Queen were shocked to see a girl with (hair colour) hair with ash blond highlights, even  piece of cloth wrapped around her like a dress, barefooted.

"Mother, this is Ocean, Ida and I found her stranded on an
island, probably shipwrecked years ago" Todroki explained
"Umm... Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you" Y/n said in a nervous voice "there's no need to be nervous child," the queen smiled at her "but aside from that, you poor thing. Alone for all those years?" She added and Y/n replied "oh no, I wasn't alone, I had all the animals and the dolphins
and the birds."

To the king's dismay, he doesn't like her "pets can be such a comfort, I can't imagine life without darling little Mina" She said while walking towards Mina who was sitting in a chair
"Ara, I must know, where did you come from?" Aoyama asked and Mina spoke in a soft but failed formal tone "you see I'm far actually, the south seas."

Y/n spoke to her "your from the south seas? We're from the south seas too!" Mina gasp " can understand me?" Mina asked her "I do." So Mina along with Y/n were having a conversation while the king looked at them.

"Shoto, what exactly is she doing here?" he asked "well isn't it obvious? I saved her when she saved me when I was in danger" he replied slightly angry "that's embarrassing, a girl? Rescuing you? I raised you better than that" Enji tone-ly.

"You don't control how my life goes, I only go out to the
seas to escape from you" Todoroki snapped angrily "well now all I know that you can't escape from this." He said "because I said that would be your last voyage" Enji added as a reminded "you see, I have made a decision for you and it is about your coronation to become King" Enji continued.

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