Chapter 12

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It was the time for the wedding, the Todoroki family made
their way to the front right next to the priest while Momo was outside of the ballroom door, peeking in while waiting for her stepfather finally arrived "look ever so beautiful, Queen Momo..." he complemented her stepdaughter but change his tone "don't slouch" he held out his hand which Momo took and both started walking down the aisle.


Y/n and her friends were making their way to the
greenhouse while avoiding the guards that patrolled
around the place and when the coast is clear they ran in but Y/n stop when she saw the wedding cake "the wedding. That's why they wanted it to be early" but Y/n shake it off "right, we need to get started!" Y/n said as she took a small bowl "here! We can use this for the tonic" she instructed then Asui flew in "Ocean you have no idea how much I tried to find you."

"Find me?" She asked and Asui nodded "I saw Shigaraki sprinkle something on the cake!" She explained and Y/n looked at the cake and taking a smell "more sunset herb, we need to finish this tonic right away" she told them before getting all the ingredients needed.


Momo's breath became uneven when walking down the aisle because she knew that Todoroki and Y/n belong with each other. 'How can I marry someone that I don't even love?' But with the audience, the Todoroki siblings didn't shed a tear not once.

Meanwhile at the Greenhouse, Y/n just finished making the tonic and were about to feed it to Aoyama, so he cam wake up again "hold Aoyama steady" Y/n requested while Midoriya held him up but then gates to the greenhouse
opened, because of the guards.

"Oi! You! Ugokanai!" They demanded "please, I'm trying to help the animals" she pleaded and one of them scoff "I heard enough of this. You're coming with us" They ignored her plead and she quickly turned to Midoriya and gave him the tonic "go to Mina and see if this works" she whispered to him as he took the bowl and started to run towards the castle as a guard saw this and chased him.

Uraraka wasn't having it "ohhh no you don't" she chased the guard and knocked him out of the way while following Midoriya as they made their way to the castle.

"We are gathered here to see the union of Princess Momo Shigaraki Yaoyoruzu and Prince Shoto Todoroki the fourth. If someone objects to this union, speak now and forever hold your peace" the priest proclaimed, then the doors were suddenly opened to see Uraraka making a loud trumpet noise, with Midoriya running beside her while holding the bowl with the tonic.

Everyone was confused and started murmuring until Kaminari pump his fist "PARTY ANIMAL!" But Kirishima apologise and knocked him out to sleep "outrageous" The king commented "Uraraka! What are you doing here?" Fuyumi, Natsuo called out as they stood up from they seat.
And since Touya just came to the party now he knows that Fuyumi sometimes keep talking about the elephant.

With Midoryia, he saw the staircase that is so long but then he remembered a secret wall that can take him to her room and when he made it with making any spill on her bed he hoped that this will work "by the love of All Might secret love child...please work" he pour the island rose water on her mouth.


The king called out to his guards while Uraraka grabbed on Todoroki's hand "what is it Uraraka?" He asked as Uraraka used her trunk that pointed outside.

"She outside" so he ran by the greenhouse and as for Y/n, "let me go!" She commanded while struggling to get out of that guard's grip "you'll waste away in the dungeon after this time" then Todoroki arrived at the scene "release her at once" he demanded "but...but you your highness, your father..." the guard stutter to reason him "I'm sorry did I stutter? I said at once."

The guard let go of his grip from Y/n as she rubbed her wrist as Todoroki walked up to her "are you alright!" He asked her "I'm fine, your highness" replied with a bow, Enji yelled his name "SHOOTOO!!!" Both of them saw "what do you think you're doing?" he exclaimed.

"We had a deal, old man, I'd marry Princess Momo, so Ocean could go free." He responded and Y/n look at him in surprise "no wonder you did that." She mumbled without any of them hearing.

"How dare she interrupt the wedding?!" Shigaraki ran to the greenhouse added with a complaint "this girl and her wild beasts are spreading disease, they're dangerous!" He made it more dramatic as Asui flew to her shoulder "your wrong, someone put an herb in the animal's food and I can
cure them if you'll just let me" Y/n made it sound convincing but they looked at her with doubt "I can make a healing tonic."

"Surely, you don't believe her story, it's Propousterious!!! Do you have any proof?!" Shigaraki just dryly laugh and that is when Mina voice came "PINKY!!" Y/n cheered and hug her "that rose water is umai! Thank you Ocean"

"Ohh Mina, come here darling" Rei bend down to take Mina into her arms "that's her proof, it's true, maybe Ocean does have a cure" Rei told her husband and the Bakusquad also came in on the scene, when Bakugo looked at Y/n that look familiar to his eyes.

"If you didn't cause the sickness, then who put the herb in
the animal's food?" the king asked, and Asui told her "I told you who did it *tweet*" and Y/n looked at Shigaraki "Tomura Shigaraki!"

They all gasped in shock "me?! Don't be ridiculous" he defended herself "such a grave accusation" the king commented "Asui told me that he put the sunset herb
on the wedding cake too" she added and the they all gasped crazy again.

"I like where this is going" Kaminari cheered with excitement "this is your last trip with us" Kirishima sigh with his eyes close "yoshi yoshi, everybody can see just how crazy you are, where did you heard that? A little birdie tell you" he said making the guests laugh.

"Well if I'm ever so crazy mad, then you won't mind eating
some cake" She suggested "baka, don't be ridiculous, we haven't even had dinner" Shigaraki tried to escape "please" Todoroki said while he gave him a slice "have a bite" he added and Shigaraki hesitation rises when people are looking at him.

Shigaraki was about to put the cake in his mouth but found a reason "well, how do I know you didn't put something in the cake yourself, to frame me?!" He complained and Momo step in "that because she didn't" people gasp "that cake only came in by later and it doesn't have a stong smell and you told me not to eat anything." Shigaraki called her name "Momo?"

"I'm not done yet, but why step...Shigaraki?" She has the right to stop calling him stepfather now "why would you say that not were the one that poisoned it" She explained but Shigaraki's three rats heard when they take a nibble "you poison it...I'm tired" the three rats slumber down.

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