Chapter 9

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"You asked to see me?" Todoroki monotone while Endeavour looked away from his window "there's been a change of plan to the wedding" he said and Todoroki knew it "you're marrying Princess Momo in three days" he added and Todoroki eyes widen open "no!" The king took it personally "what do you mean no? Boy?!"

"I mean 'no' because I don't want to marry somebody I don't even love"  he responded added with anger "nonsense! You have a huge responsibility to marry a princess, to align our
kingdoms" his father reasoned it more and Todoroki replied "I understand that Momo is a nice girl but..."

"Then there is nothing more to discuss" he cut his son off "all great kings make hard decisions" and then Todoroki whispered "exactly" he looked up dead to him "this is the hardest thing I've ever done, but I can't spend the rest of my life always following your orders" Todoroki admitted and place the crown down.

"Oni san will be a perfect ruler for this kingdom" he storm out while Endeavour scream his name.



Todoroki walk into the greenhouse when he scream out Y/n name "Ocean! Ocean!" But what he didn't know that Uraraka woke and saw him writing down on a piece of paper "Please meet me in the rose garden tonight. Let's sail away together Forever your, Shoto" Uraraka doesn't like it when Todoroki only said her name without Y/n friends.

She saw him placing it on a boulder and left and once he left, Uraraka grabbed the letter a throw it by the fountain "I won't let him take Ocean away from me, Midoryia and Ayoama."


Ever since Shigaraki saw how Y/n keeps taking the fourth Prince away, he was made that it won't go according to plan so he has an idea that popped in his head and smiled evil to get rid of her.

But Shigaraki heard someone knocking on the door "who is it?" He tone "it's Hanta Sero, I came in to deliver the dress" Shigaraki jump with glee and open the door "one white wedding dress" Sero said "oh thank you" he saw the mannequin and place the dress on it "you can go now." He said and Sero bow down to exit.

"Dammit! I didn't plan to use this so soon" Shigaraki was scheming in his room in the castle "oh but I didn't plan the prince to fall in love with the other girl either!" He added then he approached the three rats.

"Dabi, Toga, Twice, I have a job for you, I want you pay a little visit to every animal in the kingdom..." he instructed, as the three rats seemed to be interested in the plan.

"CHEEESE!!!" The little vermin rats screamed with excitement but when they saw the plate it only has three cheese pieces "that wicked bastard" Dabi facepalm himself "he said all the cheese and there's only three...WHO ATE THE REST?!" Twice complained and Toga shrug her shoulder and take a nibble "at least she gave us three each instead of one." Two out of three agreed and they nibble the cheese they have.


As the night was young, Y/n remove the peacock feathers for better movements and when morning came in, Y/n and her friends were at the royal stable where the pigs and others were all asleep not being able to wake up "that's odd, Hawks always wake up early" she thought that is she called Takami Hawks that would wake him up but it didn't.

"Are they sick?" Uraraka questioned "sick to their stomachs maybe" the green bird flew off from Y/n's shoulder because she flew to their trough of food "I saw three rats put something in their food *tweet*" she added and Y/n rubbed her hands where the grains are and when she took a whiff she used her free hand to cover her nose.

"Sunset herb" and rubbed her hands to get rid of the smell "that's odd, why would the rats do that?" Midoriya commented "thinking that they must be crazy, Sunset herb is dangerous" Aoyama added to Midoryia's comment "can you help them *tweet*?"

Y/n nodded "of course we can Asui" Midoryia said and Asui peck him by his head "I told you to call me Tsu!"

"Back home, if someone ate sunset herb by mistake, we made a rose tonic to wake them up" Y/n answered and Uraraka said to her "b..but they don't have any island roses here."

"They actually do Uaraka, in the green house" Y/n reassured "ohh and I know that Todoroki sama would let us use them"
Midoriya added but Uraraka turn her head around, feeling guilty when Midoryia mentioned the fourth Prince's name.

"I'll go and ask him!" Y/n said while standing up and started
to walk away then Uraraka is about to spike up "Ocean...about the Prince..."

"Yeah? What's wrong?" She questioned but Uraraka shake the guilt inside of her "never mind, it's nothing" Y/n planted a small smiled and continue to walk.

So meanwhile at the castle grounds, the king was trying to solve the issue about the sleeping animals around the kingdom until his wife came in running with Mina in her arms "Enji!" Enji looked at her wife "somethings wrong, I
can't wake up Mina, even when I call her Pinky...she still doesn't wake up."

But on the other side, Ida was walking around reading his books and his notebooks "good day Ida." Shigaraki greeted him and Ida almost dropped his books "oh your highness, good day to you too!" Bow respectfully "I see that your a busy man, on your way to see the king?" He asked and Ida pushed his glasses up.

"For your information, yes I am and the animals are still fast asleep, no sign of waking" his eyes are still struck on the book "it's a terrible disease, is it contagious?" He asked and Ida near stutter "'s highly unlikely."

"Uh huh, and who could've given it to them?" He asked again and Ida replied "I don't know, maybe something new in the habitat" he push his glasses more "more like...something foreign? Wild animals from the south seas?" Added in innocently, Ida stopped his tracks "ahh I see. Why yes, exactly! Oh I must tell the king!"

Ida ran off in a hurry to the thrown room and Shigaraki dryly chuckled "that incompetent baka bastard. You do that." And his plan is going back according to plan.

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