Chapter 2

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It was a bright morning, in the ocean was a boat, there
sailed a prince and his assistant scientist. The fourth prince's name is Shoto Todokri.

Todoroki is a dreamer, handsome boy for he had white hair on the left and the red on his right. Glimmering eyes that is both eyes are miss match, one in gray and the other I'm blue but on the red side of his eyes, he also had a burn.

The fourth Prince was calm and reserved man but loved to be outdoors, he would loved to sail and explore every island he comes across. Todoroki bring out his telescope and glad that he found an island "land ho!" He exclaimed and Todoroki wanted to be excited that he can get away from his bastard old man call father, it was clear that he loved seeing beyond his kingdom to see new islands and get away from any royalty duties.

But on the island, Y/n, Midoryia, Uraraka and Ayoama saw a ship "Ara my, I've never seen a floating island before!" Aoyama gasp and Y/n wanted to take a closer look what could that possibly be.

Todoroki climb on the ropes to have a better view of the island and nothing beats a brand new shore into view I mean sore it took him a night he is thankful that island he found himself is breath taking.

The islands beach was a scenery was marvelous, the trees and plant life were bright and healthy the golden sand shined from the sun's rays ti his eyes.

Y/n poke her head out of a bush to see two men one with
Duo hair colour and one with navy blue hair with glasses "odd?" Y/n said and when she followed them, Y/n's friends did the same.

"All the riches of the world
Can't compare to these
Golden sand and silver clouds
The fragrant island breeze
What will I discover next
Its all I mystery Different everyday Theres so much to do and learn and touch and hear and see. Just a step away"

Todoroki keep wondering around while Y/n and her friends heads came out of the bush "it has no trunk" Uraraka noted his feature "not to mention, it has no tail."

"Its not a fish wait, it not a whale."

"Well I'm glad it has no feathers I can see so he can't outshine me" Ayoama said but Y/n told the others "I have to say it looks like.... Me?"

"It must be bad! It can't be good! Let's run and hide" Midoryia requested "I think we should, Just close your eyes it goes away" Uraraka agree but think of a better solution but Y/n excuse herself adding to her friends "you know this doesn't happen everyday!"

Feeling the excitement grow
Every single stride
Sun above and it below

Ida wasn't paying attention to where he has going because all h was doing is writing down notes and accidentally pushed Todoroki and himself to a steep hill and since none of them are injured, they landed safely on the end of it.

"I am so sorry, your highness!" Ida apologized frantically and Todoroki shook his hand and head saying "it's fine" they both got up and looked around there surroundings "well well well , deep shadows, over hanging foliage, this is the
ideal habitat for..."

"Crocodiles" Todoroki eyes widen when he saw crocodiles and Ida put his notebook away, lifting his glasses up "absolutely right. How did you..." that question is already answered how he saw crocodile swimming towards them "question answered" Ida gulp in a worried voice

"Ugokanai" Todoroki said because everyone knows that when people made sudden movements...Sayōnara. "Not planning to move, your highness" he replied and one of the crocodile landed on the sand and tried charging towards them.

Todoroki used his eyes to see any choice of weapons and he grabbed a stick and put it in its mouth but with a strong mouth of the crocodile easily, the stick snapped it.

More crocodiles were approaching, one was about to bite to Todoroki until "Spinner! No!" Y/n swing in a vine and stop them in time and Todoroki saw her with her (hair colour) with ash blond highlights wearing a white cloth
wrapped around like a dress.

"Twice, Compress that's enough!" Two out of three of the crocodiles groaned at her 'but Ocean, we're hungry for some meat' Twice complain then Y/n sharp eyes saw Spinner taking a chance to take a bit "Spinner, if I were you I wouldn't do that."

Ida and Todoroki is taken aback how Y/n is talking to the crocodile "is she talking to the crocodiles?" Ida ask and Compress politely asked Y/n if they can take a nibble.

Y/n chuckled at them "that's sweet of you compress but no, not even a little piece, now swim along" three crocodiles swam away "thank you" then she pay attention to the others "sorry about that, were not used to visitors," she explained "but Umm...who are you?" She asked but Todoroki asked her "who are you?"


The minutes skip by as Y/n led them to the tree where she live in and when Todoroki asked her what's her name Y/n introduced herself "well my name is Ocean" Todoroki is wondering why her name is Ocean "Ocean? Is that your name?" He asked "I think so" she replied as Todoroki added more "you don't remember anything? your family? where
your from?"

Y/n shooked her head no as an answer "well Midoryia tells me I came from the sea, along time ago" She answered "and that why I name her Ocean" Midoryia said to Ayoama and Uraraka as she nodded "I mean it's better we call her 'I cannot stop twinkling' or 'Can't stop twinkling!' But no you name her Ocean."

"It maybe cause by a shipwreck?" Todoroki pressed his chin with his fingers as he guessed "I don't know, I don't remember" so leaving that aside Ida asked her "well a few moments ago you said Midoryia right? Who's Midoriya?"

Y/n smiled and turn her head where her friends are "you can come out now, they won't bite" they all felt scared for a few seconds but Midoryia hoped out of the bush "that one is Midoryia" Y/n pointed to the green bunny so Uraraka came out "that one is Uraraka." But Ayoama decided to show off "and Aoyama."

"My god, a green bunny, an elephant, and peacock your
highness!" Ida exclaimed and walk to them but Todoroki calm him down and looked at Y/n "since you save us, now let us save you, come back to my kingdom" he said with a slight smile.

"But erm...I still don't know your name" Y/n remember that he didn't introduce himself so Ida took over "my sincerest apologise" he bow and lift himself up "may I introduce, Prince Shoto Todoroki the fourth child of the Todoroki Kingdom."

Ayoama gasp when he heard what Ida said "did my ear heard it right? Did he say prince? kingdom? Perhaps were related?" Aoyama opening his feathers and brag himself about how's he also a Prince "okay Aoyama, we get it, he's a prince, your a prince" Y/n said and Todoroki love it when she talks to her animals friends "can you really understand than?"

"Why yes I do" she answered with a smile one her face "don't you?" This time she asked him but Ida answered for him "well no but all we can hear is..." Ida did his impressions of Ayoama and Aoyama sounded offended about his answer "Hmph! I don't sound anything like that!"

"Yoshi yoshi Aoyama, don't get upset" Y/n told him "I can't believe it, talking to animals..." he got down on his knees, writing all the info on his notebook and Midoryia hopped where Ida is and saw all the information what he written down in Ida's notebook.

"That Tenya Ida, my friend and royal scientist" since Ida forgot to introduce himself, Todoroki is kind enough to introduce to Y/n, knowing Ida he saw how Midoryia was surprised when he wrote all the info and Ida squill "this little bunny is excited about my notes...I have so much to ask you" Ida exclamed.

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