Chapter 11

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Outside by the dock, Y/n and her friends were boarding the ship, while Y/n is carrying Aoyama but when Shigaraki heard that the island girl is booted out, Shigaraki was hiding behind a pile of boxes, when a captain of the ship passed by he called out to him "Psst! Oi! Come here!" the guard looked at him to pay attention.

"You know that your ship carries a girl?" The captain nodded "well I need you to do something for me, for a reward of course" he made it greed full when Shigaraki shakes the bag of coins inside meaning the captain of the ship shook on it.


They were all on the ship that was sailing away from the
kingdom "oh I don't know who would do this to all the
animals?!" Uraraka complained "somebody who wants me out of the Prince's life for good" Y/n answered in bold "is it the Princess?" Uraraka questioned. "Not it can't be YaoMomo, she's way too kind and won't hurt anybody" Y/n reassured her "yeah YaoMomo is a sweet girl when she gave me carrots. Unlike her pushy, nasty, scheming stepfather!" Midoriya commented.

"Exactly!" Y/n replied "we needed to get back to the greenhouse and make that tonic!" She added but Uraraka 's voice stutter " don't! Don't do it! They'll throw
you in the dungeon again! Or worse!"

"I can't let the animals die, Mina help us remember? And when I can we will save them!" Y/n dedicated her life "you may not be a princess to the king and queen, but
you're a princess in my eyes" Midoriya commented and Uraraka can't hold her tears anymore.

"Uraraka?" Y/n called her name "dammit! I throw it, I didn't tell you that because I throw it away!" Uraraka finally got that guilt out of her chest "throw what?" Y/n used her voice to calm her down "his note, the prince left you a note to meet him" she replied "why? Why didn't you tell me?"

She asked her again "I didn't you to leave us, if you marry'll forget about us" she breathed in "please don't hate me.." she added but Y/n hug her "baka, I would never hate you, I love you" She said to her calmly "but Ocean, I saw the way you and the Prince look, you love the Prince." Uraraka responded.

Y/n look at Uraraka with kind eyes while she looks at her "we have to get back to that castle!" Uraraka is all pump up so they snuck their ways to the life boat "help me untie the boat" she whispered and when the captain of his ship was sailing the ship looked at Y/n dragging the boat near the railings.

The captain immediately spun the steering wheel changing the ship's course and thank to that, the sail was heading into her direction without any warning and got pushed off the boat along with her friends into the freezing water.

All of them were panicking that the fact all were overboard in the middle of the freezing ocean right by the middle of the night. Uraraka was struggling to stay afloat but managed while Midoryia was swimming into your direction while calling your name "Hold on, Ocean, I'll save you" Y/n sunk in the water until a flashback happened.

It happen in the storming night when young Y/n called jet oni chan "Oni chan!!!" Y/n keep getting air still screaming "ONI CHAN Save me!!! Oni chan!!!" Bakugo is getting ready to dive in but two mens hold him down "OI LET GO OF ME!!!" but they keep putting Bakugo in his place "your highness, calm down! We'll find another way to save the Princess!" one of the sailor explained while the others sailors are finding a way to help her "Hold on Y/n! ONI CHAN WILL SAVE YA!!"

Y/n swam up and regained consciousness while
trying to figure what happened "oni chan? Y/n?" But her thoughts where being cut when Uraraka struggling in the water "Uraraka!!!" She tried to swim in her direction where Uraraka is almost about to sink "Uraraka! No!" Y/n panicked but she remembered her sea creature friends.

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