Chapter 6

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Meanwhile, Todoroki and along with Momo were taking a little walk around the garden so they get to know more about their background, like of interest and much "what do you enjoy most on your travels your highness?" Momo aksed her because his siblings told her that their little brother travel a lot.

"Everything, following the wind, discovering something
new in the next bay" Todoroki replied and Momo asked her again "erm, don't you miss the comforts of home?"

"Not when I can sleep under the open sky" he answered with a small smile on his face while Enji and Shigaraki were also visiting the royal stable

"Oh yay, the royal stable" Shigaraki acted please but very disgusted because of his past and Takami rolled around in the mud and made a splash of mud fly towards his royal suit "PIGS!! Nasty little things" he nearly swore but he giggled nervously "get away then. Shoo shoo" and the king looked at him "you can't be serious?"

"Aww don't my head off Endeavour, I just flew in" he made the royal stable laugh while the king apologise "my humble apology" but Shigaraki reassured him "no no, it's fine. Don't worry about a thing...Where's that well?" He mumbled while going to the back to find the well.

The two youngsters also arrived at the stable after their little
walk from the garden and Momo excuse herself so she ran to help her stepfather while Todoroki stood next to his father.

"Just look! Look what they have done!" Shigaraki whine when he's dusting the mud off "the only thing that a pig can do is being serve on a sliver platter" he toned then he heard his stepdaughter "here, let me help you."

While Enji and Todoroki were following her Todoroki comment "isn't that strange? Tomura Shigaraki knew exactly where to find a well, even though he's never been here before" a slight suspicion the king agreed "it is odd to begin with."

Then they heard Mina from the greenhouse, looking back when they saw Y/n and Mina swinging from the trees
"Hahah! I forgot how fun this is!!!" Mina cheered and Y/n giggled "your doing well Pinky! Your a natural!" This obviously made Todoroki smiled and the king was slightly mad so he turned to his son.

"Don't! Not another word against King Tomura Shigaraki, your marrying Princess Yaoyoruzu and that's final!" His father scolded and Todoroki was upset but he knew that he couldn't really do anything.


In the garden, Fuyumi was making flower crowns while
Uraraka wore them, she made one last one and placed it
on Uraraka "kawaii" Fuyumi clasp her hands together "now you look like you could go to the ball, I wish I could take you Uraraka" Fuyumi said while scratching Uraraka's chin as Natsuo called her "okay Natsuo! I have to go now, bye Uraraka" Fuyumi waved at her, Uraraka waved back.

Uraraka then looked at herself from the reflection of the
fountain, and she blushed how Fuyumi's flower crown made it beautiful and pretty with her colours "well look at you" Ayoama came out of nowhere that nearly made Uraraka jump.

"Don't scare me like that" Uraraka said " but thank you, Princess Fuyumi made a flower crowns for the royal
engagement ball" Uraraka added but Ayoama corrected her "I mean me darling" he keep looking at his reflection "ignore him Uraraka, you look very pretty" he said it out loud that leave Uraraka to blush and Midoryia knows why she's blushing...

"AHHH I DIDN'T MEAN IT TO SAY IT OUT LOUD!!! But you are though" he mumbled but Uraraka thank him "well back to crown, what's that?" Midoriya asked "it's like I have baka A and baka B with me" he whispered to himself "everyone knows that a royal ball is big and round like a
coconut" Aoyama answered "okay..." he looked to Uraraka "it's a big dance to congragulate Prince Shoto Todoroki the fourth and Princess YaoMomo" Uraraka explained in more details.

"Oui but Ocean should never go to that" Aoyama said "Hmm, I wanted to agree but it won't hurt to asked her" so meanwhile in the greenhouse "no way Midoriya, I'm not going to the ball" Y/n exclaim "oh why not?" Midoriya asked "isn't it obvious? I've been embarrassed enough" Y/n said turning her back "do you know what both Kings will think? The strange girl who grew up in an island" she explained.

"You just need to show them that your every bit as royal as
they are" Midoriya said "yeah and I can promise that the ball will be a lot of fun" Mina exclaimed "oui oui! I can teach you EVERYTHING you need to know" Aoyama requested considering that request is mark off the list "but that even includes what I should wear? I can't be asking Fuyumi if I could borrow hers."

"Leave that to me"
"Leave that to me"

Mina and Midoriya said at the same time
"You better be ready little rabbit"
You better be ready little monkey"

However, when Mina is about to take them to her room, Midoryia gasp how long the starcase it "I don't suppose there's a castle that doesn't have a long staircase?"

Mina sigh and scoff "well I do remember a secret wall that can take us in my room" and when they found it for everyone in.


Outside in the secret wall, Ayoama gasp at Mina's room "it's pink?!" But the others ignore him so Mina and Midoryia can chose what she needed to wear.

"Skirts that billow, sleeves that tie are the only things to wear at the ball!" Mina show Y/n a pink dress that has a rose in the centre and the bottoms shows a white ombre "teased your hair up three feet high, well if you want to show your flair at the ball!" Mina shows Y/n a hair catalog frames about different hair styles.

"Why wear what those stuffy girls are wearing? I think seaweed wraps are quite the height of style!" Wet or dry seaweed are demonstrated as a dress "even pineapple is naturally daring! Wear a fruit cup and a smile!" He asked Y/n to smile "and that's more like it."

"Something satin, throw a hat in," then she grabbed a parasol "a purple parasol! That's how to make an entrance
At the ball!" Midoryia cut in "in a panic? Think organic!
Look at this one size fits all! Now you can be the beauty
At the ball!"

He place a bird nest on his hair but Mina suggest "I think you should lose the silly nest thing!" But Midoryia stop her "NO WAY!"

"Listen, I'm the one whose been to these before. I know orange taffeta's the best thing!" And Mina holds a orange fabric while Midoryia hold it "sure but the best thing to ignore. Bleh!" He dropped the fabric.

"How about a skirt" he hold up a skirt and Mina drop it down "No a dress"

"Loose!" Midoryia loosened the string from a dress and Mina stopped him on time "tight because no one wants a wait over 9 inches!"

"More details" Midoryia shows a dress that has a lot of details but Mina shows a dress with less design detail "drab!" A dark but light colour palette but Mina called "bright! It has to be bright!"


"Black to show" Midoryia grabbed a black pallet "no white for innocent" she hold up a white dress "Y/n is not getting married" Ayoama sigh and Y/n scream "STOP!!!"

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