Chapter 4

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Todoroki seems that he doesn't understand what his bastard old father said and that until by the stars is a girl with black hair tied a ponytail wearing a red cold shoulder dress ensemble in gold dust in the bottom filled to be an ombre "may I introduce you to Princess Momo Yaoyoruzu, your bride to be" the king announced and Todoroki looked at him with shock "I'm sorry, my what?!" he slightly raised his voice.

Y/n excuse herself with Mina from what she heard and of course looked worried "welcome my dear" the king bow while Momo did the same "it's an honour to meet your your highness." Todoroki nodded before turning to his father with scolded face but his father knew that he would make that face so he chose to ignore it.

"And her Step-father, Tomura Shigaraki" not that long ago, Momo's father died in the war so Momo's mother remarried to Shigaraki. So basically her full name is Momo Shigaraki Yaoyoruzu.

Shigaraki wore a royal fitting outfit and instead of having a crown on his head, he rather place it in his forearm "you know it such an honour to meet, my future son-in-law" he said while bowing forward.

"Your highness" Todoroki monotone before looking at his father again "I can just see everyone gathered here for the engagement ball, tomorrow night" he informed and Todoroki repeated the last part "t...tomorrow" he stuttered before looking at Y/n who was seemed worried before running off and Todoroki watched her figure run out of the room in slight sadness.


When Y/n walked out Fuyumi was outside when she ran up to her "Ocean, are you alright?" Nervously asking "I'm fine I'm just grabbing some air that's all" Y/n replied before
walking off.

Fuyumi looked at her worryingly knowing that something is off then when Y/n walk around more, Uraraka, Aoyama and
Midoriya even follows her to walk around with her "baka, what was I thinking? He belongs here and we don't" she swore "couldn't you grow to like it?" Aoyama asked and Todorki ran after Y/n "Ocean! Ocean wait!!"

Y/n stopped and look at him "how do you know I was here?" She asked him and he replied "I asked my oni san where you are" Y/n nodded once "I see" but "please listen, I didn't know about this" but Y/n wave her hand saying it was nothing "well thank you for showing me civilization, but I want to go back, when can the next ship take me home" Y/n asked.

"Please stay" he begged her "just pick any room in the castle
and the animals will be comfortable in the royal stable" he
added and Ayoama gasp "screw getting on the ship, I the sound of that."

"Thank you, but I'll rather stay with my family" Y/n simply replied and Todoroki understood.


When they reached the stable, a pig was struggling with an
itch on his back "if I have long will be easy for me" the pig complain and Y/n scratch the back of the pig "how's that?" It's seems that the pig moan in delight "much thank..." the pig almost thank her but the pig was shock and ran to the other side of the fence "did...did she just...answered me?"

"Hmmm... I wonder how did she do that?" The horse inside the stable asked while Y/n smiled at them "well it's better to watch what you say" this time it's a female voice of a pig "it's nice to meet you, my name is Ocean."

"Well then, I'm Keigo Takami, but call me Hawks" Takami said "why do they call you that? Hawsk is a bird" Midoryia tilted "let me have my moment rabbit!" He tone while the horse apologise "sorry about him but sometimes we wonder how we became friends with him." Y/n and her friends chuckled "it's fine."

"Okay, could we trouble you for a place to stay?" The horse asked "Aww shoot, I forgot about that" Takami forget the deadly conversation with Midoryia "theres plenty room for you, right here!" He added while rolling around in the mud and Ayoama gasp in fear.

"No no no no no no no" he repeated more until he stop "please just show us to a nice, sturdy tree" he suggested as Takami said "a tree? hm.., the mighty Hawks can take you to the royal greenhouse" Takami said while guiding them to the greenhouse.


"I can't marry Princess Yaoyoruzu" Todoroki said "please, I can give you more than three reasons whys you should. Shes beautiful, talented, responsible, from an impeccable royal family..."

"Look I know she's is, but there is someone else" he slightly raised his voice at him and Rei got the message "Shoto, you don't  mean..." she pointing towards Y/n who is laughing while talking to her animal friends, when Todoroki just admire her "she's different, a good different." He complemented her "she's different from any girl I've meet before" he added and Enji clears his throat "clearly."

"She's daring, curious, at home in the outdoors" he continued more as Enji piped his bubbles "a weird girl who can speak to animals. Be serious for once in your life, Shoto! I let you travel to your heart's content, but the time has come for you to settle down!"

Enji raised his voice at him "and as a prince, you must marry a princess, AND ONLY A PRINCESS!" Enji exclaimed when he storm off wanting to let more anger out.

"Shoto, I wish I could help but. Its your father's demands" Rei said in a kind tone while Todoroki seems that he is about to walk away "I understand."


When Y/n and her friends arrive at the royal green house, Y/n, Midoryia and Ayoama thank Takami "don't sweat it." He excused himself to go back to his side while Y/n open the greenhouse doors and it beautiful because it look like their home back on the island "oui! Now this is more like it!" Aoyama cheered with excitement "a fitting place for a royal bird" he added and Y/n looked around to her surroundings seeing an island Rose looking like it hadn't been watered.

"Aww... you poor thing" Y/n cup her hands to scooped water from the fountain and poured it over the rose as it bloomed even more as she watered it.

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