Chapter 5

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A starry night fall in the kingdom and Momo along with her stepfather is staying in a room by the Todoroki's castle "here you are, Jiro" Yaoyoruzu said while placing her cat, Jiro "on the bed" Momo pet her little kitten while Jiro meow at her.

"Why? They could have found me a bigger room" Shigaraki
conplained and Momo replied "it's fine stepfather, really" but Shigaraki scoff "not for the mother as queen for the future of the kingdom."

"Queen? I'm not even married yet and I'm not sure I should" Momo admitted "my my my. Don't even think about joking like that" Shigaraki chuckled "but stepfather, I mean...didn't you see how the fourth son look at the island girl?" She
asked "yeah with a low quality of royal behaviour" he answered but Momo shook her head "no stepfather, not like that... it's love and I've always dreamed of finding somebody who I love and someone who loves me" She said.

"Love! LOVE!!!" He tone "look, your mother and I didn't love each other when I married her" he complained "I'm mean sure you must have? Just a little" she thought and Shigarki scoff.

Love is for peasants
Which were obviously not!
Who needs a heart that's going to bleed?
Its inconvenient and just makes you hot
Let papa tell you what you need
Not just any clown
Someone with a crown
And a happy life is guarantee

But Momo reassure him when she grabbed her book from her bed "but stepfather, that can't be right" Shigaraki asked her in anger "I'm sorry did you say something?"

All the books I've read
All the poems always said
That a heart is made to share
Just not found in things such as necklaces and rings

But in love that's always there
That's the jewel beyond compare

Momo closed her eye what she would imagine when she find her true love but Shigaraki woke her up "I want you to stop reading those books, filling your head with thoughts! Now go, Momo, Do something that will make yourself look prettier" and Momo put her sad face "of course stepfather" leaving, Shigaraki continues when he approached to his luggage.

That king's forgotton how he wrecked my family's life
When I was just a tiny tot
Just cause we tried to
Kill him and his wife
A little treason not a lot

He grabbed a cage that is filled with three rats

He took away our land
Which wasn't what we planned
He put us on a pig farm and forgot!
I ran away and I must say I cleaned up good
My past was nothing I discuss
I found the oldest kingdom I could
Her heart condition was a plus
Sunday, we were wed
Wednesday, she was dead
Happily, that put an end to us

But when I heard that good thing Enj had a son
I had a stepdaughter right away
Put her in training
So she'd be the one!
Oh how I've waited for this day

Two out of the three rats started dancing with cheer

Once they tie the knot
I'll improment my plot And I'll use the king's head for croquet!

I'll take what should be mine and leave him with a swine
And I'll have my way They're gonna pay

He laugh at the end that's his plans is going according to plan.


"Good morning Uraraka, did you sleep well?" Y/n asked "well I just can't wait till we go home!" Uraraka replied before walking away and Y/n blame herself since Uraraka really wanted to go home.

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