Chapter 13

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Shigaraki's heart exploded when he looked around his surrounding, finally being exposed, "dammit!" He swore so he ran as he pushed Y/n and Todoroki out of the way, but they both quickly stood up and started to chase him.

"You extra stay here!" He commanded Kirishima and Kaminari "Oi oi oi! Don't leave us!!" But as for Todoroki is well-trained enough so he ran faster than Y/n but took a carriage then started to pull on the reins, the carriage took off.

Todoroki managed to jump onto the little step of the carriage while Uraraka and Y/n showed up and staryed to follow them, Bakugo was behind them, when he stopped after looking at Y/n.


Y/n climb onto Uraraka's back and he started running after
them and Shigaraki was going to cross the bridge and he saw three maidens blocking the path, when the maidens saw the carriage on their way, they panicked, they all went to side quickly but one of them slipped and was hanging off the

Todoroki jumped off the carriage to help the maiden that was hanging off the bridge, "please help me" the maiden grunted that she can't hold on "here, grabbed on to this" she grabbed the cape and Todoroki mock his brother "lose the cape he said" but with the act Shigaraki pulled he laugh when he finally managed to get the prince off his tail, but Uraraka and Y/n was still on it "the trees. Go for the trees!" Y/n called out so Uraraka took the shortcut finally manage to get close to him.

Shigaraki looked back before pulling the reins again to
make the carriage go faster "I can't catch up" Uraraka hear that her legs are killing her as she tried to ran fast as she could then she look up to a see branch and had a genus idea.

"We're close enough" Y/n lift her arm up to grabbed the branch which snapped when she closed her eyes to eyeball where to aim at carriage wheel "steady Uraraka" She instructed before she finally throw the branch at the wheel as the wheel then broke.

The  carriage was now changing the direction as the horse that was pulling it ran off and the carriage crashed into the stable, where the pigs were that send Shigaraki flying before landed on the mud in the stable. Shigaraki groan in pain but looked disgusted when he's put at the pig stable "I HATE PIGS!!!"


The king and queen, well mostly the king, is apologising
to Y/n about his wrongs things "please forgive me Ocean, I assume the worst without giving you a chance, you saved us from disaster" The king stated and her friends looked proudly at her "we owe you so much my dear." The queen stated as Y/n bow to her "it's my greatest pleasure to help."

Todoroki was on the other side looking at Y/n, smiling as Momo spoke up "I only see you as a brother Todoroki." She smiled "and I hope that one day...sooner nor later someone would look at me like the way you look at Ocean." Momo added "when that happens, they'll be a lucky man" Todoroki replied to her while Y/n saw them "they make a wonderful couples" planted a small smiled "Ocean, why is prince coming over her?!" Uraraka asked excitingly as she stopped her tracks and turn around to see Todoroki walking up to her.

"Sail away with me" he proudly said "I...I can't, Princess Momo..." she hesitated "want us to be happy" he cut her off with a smile on his face as she saw Momo smiled at her.
"Ocean, will you marry me?" he asked, and she blushed when he pop the question "Ocean... this is where you say yes" she grabbed her hand and placed it on Todoroki's hand, "yes yes yes!" She nearly cried with joy as she hug Todoroki.

"So where my money little brother" Touya smirk when Natsuo lost "I can't wait until you go back to your own kingdom" he mumbled "yeah yeah I know that  I'll miss you too when I'm gone" he chuckled.

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