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I pull up into the parking lot and catch a glimpse of a bright blue sign reading,

'Parents, siblings, or grandparents have to come into the rental place with their driver's license, and if a student, you need your student ID.'

"Harper, what's going on?" Lyllie questions.

"I don't know. Grab your student ID. You're coming with me," I reply while fumbling around in my stupid wallet. 

We get out of the car, and a police officer sternly requests,

"IDs' and license for you, mam."

I hand him mine and so does Lyllie.

"Who are you here for? Say first, last name, and grade level," The police officer states.

I shake nervously, "Heidi Anne, fifth grade, and Luciana Anne, first grade."

"Okay, you can pick up Luciana, but the fifth graders can't leave right now," the police officer claims.

"Why? I just want to know to tell my dad and what time they will be?" I ask nervously.

"Well, there was an avalanche when the fifth graders were on the slopes, you should probably cover her ears,"

I cover Lyllie's ears fast,

"Most of the students we are searching for, and the ones that are found: hurt, passed away, and some are right now in the process of CPR," the police officer states.

"Wait! What! Heidi isn't supposed to be skiing or snowboarding where is she?" I screech without thinking

Shit! I shouldn't have thought that through about screeching. I still have Lyllie's ears covered.

He suggests, "Well, she was probably on the ice slide, which got hit the hardest because I don't see her over here by the food."

I take a few breaths, It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. She'll be fine, and release my hands from Lyllie's ears, and ask,

"Can you get out Luciana, please, and I'm going to make some phone calls. I am certified in minor and major first aid. Do you need help?" I ask.

"Yes, that would be helpful. What about your siblings?" the police officer sternly questions.

I respond, "I can call our grandma and she'll come to get them."

"Okay, do your calls, by the ski lift is where you will get your gear, and I will tell first responders you will help keep your Id and licenses on you," he suggests.

I turn to Lyllie and say,

"I know this is confusing, but go wait for grandma by the hot chocolate stand with Luciana and Heidi if she comes over before Grandma comes. If grandma comes before Heidi is with you text me. Okay?"

I send Luciana with Lyllie then I call grandma Anne, my dad, and I call Nathan, I tell him the situation and I tell him I might not be able to make it.

He shouts,

"My brother Blake is in Heidi's grade! Can you please tell me what happened to him after you're done or get to Chloe Park if you can?"

"Yes, I can bye, I have to go help," I  reply.

"Bye, keep happy thoughts, you are going to see something bad," he suggests, he ends the call.

Wait! Kaley, Ava's littlest sister, is in the same grade! Hedi better be okay, I can't afford to lose her! I go walk to the lift and a first responder questions me,

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