The Rink

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"Harper you good now?" Heidi asks walking into the locker room.

"Yeah, I'm good now," I state.

Maci comes back on the tv to introduce the skaters.

"It's going to start soon," Heidi claims.

"Yep, remember your entrance?" I ask.

"It's the axel combination right?" she double-checks.

"Correct," I answer.

"Welcome to the last event of the day! Ice skating is the last event and we are ready to introduce everyone.  Welcome the skaters from Lewis and Clark Highschool-"

Mary is wearing her short program outfit, which is gold and white. Maci is wearing her purple outfit and they both are wearing their school jackets. They skate in and do candlesticks. Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! People are cheering and clapping.

"Maci White and Mary Lee. Their both are juniors! Skaters from Birdseye Highschool-"

Elle is wearing her short program outfit, which is blue and white. Marissa is wearing her red outfit and they both are wearing their school jackets. They skate in and do double lutz. Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! People are cheering and clapping.

"Elle Young and Marrissa Walker! Their both are seniors. Skaters from Four Range Public School-"

Rayleigh is wearing her short program outfit, which is silver and pink. Kade is wearing his black outfit and they both are wearing their school jackets. They skate in and Kade lifts Rayleigh into the air. Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! People are cheering and clapping.

"Rayleigh Jones and Kade Mirrors! Kade is a senior this year. Welcome the Skaters from Helena Valley Highschool-"

We skate in smiling. I jump while crossing my feet and I count in my head: one, two.  I land while throwing my leg behind me. I dig my toe pick and jump in the air and count: one. I hear clapping and whistles when we finished. I'm guessing Maci introduced us while we were doing our tricks.

"Hello, again it's Ezra Forest! But it looks like we are in a different place. That's because we are about to start the short programs for our ice skating competitors. Okay, let's give a welcome to our first performance, Kade Mirrors which he will be performing to, 'Lighthouse' by Collabro."

Kade is in an all-black outfit with sequins that glimmer in the spotlights. He starts in the middle. Backward skate, fan kick to illusion, "Where ever I am." layback, "Where ever I go." sit-sit spin. "Whatever happens this year." That was a nice and quick beat. "Go-" Charlotte spiral,  bring hands together, "Till the end." double axel, "Wherever you are. Where ever I am." sit spin. "Is home" triple lutz, double axel, single toe loop, "I'll be your lighthouse. Shining bright. Dusk till dawn" sit-sit spin, spreading eagle. That was impressive.

"Look at that move! he is definitely raising  the bar this year!" Ezra announces.

Just wow! Butterfly, fan kick to illusion, butterfly, double axel, sit spin, triple lutz, double axel, single toe loop. "Whatever I feel. By myself. Every word is a cry or help. I just think of you and then. I'm safe again. I feel your close but somewhere-" That is pretty good he can do the same pattern pretty quickly again. Sit-sit spin "Else-", skate backward, arms out confused "Do you remember what we use to say, double axel, sit spin, triple lutz, double axel, single toe loop, sit-sit spin,  "I'll be your lighthouse. Shining bright. Dusk till dawn" double axel, "Wherever you are. Where ever I am." sit spin. "Is home" Double axel, sit spin, triple lutz, double axel, single toe loop "I'll be your lighthouse. Shining bright. Dusk till dawn", "Wherever you are. Where ever I am." sit spin. "Is home" toe loop, toe loop, sit-sit spin "Is home", and bow. That was good but he had a few hiccups here and there.

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