The Start

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"How did practice go?" Dad asks.

Heidi bursts, "It's great! We're perfect!"

"I didn't mess up any of my quads!" I claim.

"That sounds great. I'm so proud of both of you," he states hugging both of us.

"Thanks, Dad," Heidi and I state.

"Before you leave. Lyllie and Luciana would like you to braid their hair," he adds.

"Okay, no problem," I state.

"Maybe you could try to braid mine too," he jokes.

I laugh while walking upstairs.

Heidi walks into my room while I get out Heidi's and my jackets, school t-shirt, and ribbon,

"Here these are for to put in Lyllie and Luciana's hair when you down braiding their hair," she hands me four black hair ties with blue and white ribbon bows with a purple rhinestone in the center of the bow.

"Thank you. I know the blue and white represent our school but what does the purple stand for?" I question.

"You," Heidi responds.

"Why?" I ask.

"To support you and we have t-shirts made for all of us that support our school and you and Nathan. Nathan will be wearing the same after the beginning part of the competition. And I'll wear it tomorrow," she responds.

"You guys did that?" I amaze.

"Yep and Nathan was part of it too," she adds.

"Thank you. I don't deserve any of you," I state.

Luciana pops her head in,

"Are you ready for me?"

"Yes, I am. I even have your special hair ties with me," I add.

"And I'm wearing the special shirt," she says while flinging the door open.

"Yes you do," I laugh.

She sits in my desk chair and states,

"I'm ready."

I grab my brush and start brushing out all the snarls and knots. I part off the hair into two, then I take the right section and split it into three at the top and I start weaving while adding hair into the braid. At the bottom of the scalp, I take a rubber band and secure the braid. Then I take the hair tie that Heidi made and tie it around the hair. Then I repeat on the other side.

"All done," I state.

"Thank you. Do I need to go get Lyllie?" she asks.

"Yes. That would be great," I answer.

"Isn't she full of energy," I state.

"Yes! She is," Heidi agrees.

Lyllie walks in,

"Are you ready for me? Luciana says you are."

"Yes, I am. You can sit in my desk chair," I state.

I grab my brush and start brushing out all the snarls and knots. I part off the hair into two, then I take the right section and split it into three at the top and I start weaving while adding hair into the braid. At the bottom of the scalp, I take a rubber band and secure the braid. Then I take the hair tie that Heidi made and tie it around the hair. Then I repeat on the other side.

"All done," I state.

"Thanks," Lyllie states getting up.

"Are you ready for me to put your hair up in a lace bun?" I ask.

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