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I hear muffling sounds like voices but I can't hear them clearly.

"Harper!" Nathan muffles.

My vision is very blurred; I can see Nathan's brown hair and his face is a blob.

"Harper?" Nathan states again.

I can see more clearly and his face is not much of a blob now.

"Yes. What happened?" I state.

Nathan's shoulders relaxed and he helps me up onto the bench slowly,

"You fainted. I'm guessing from over-exerting yourself."

"How? It wasn't that much practice. I've done way more in the past," I respond.

"You are stressed from school, competition, Ava, Mary, and learning a new dance so your body's energy was already half percent when you arrived tonight, and running your fast and hard moves short program made you drop from probably five percent to zero percent," he answers.

Really Nathan adding math into your explanation.

"Great explanation, Nathan," Grace compliments.

"But I'm not stressed! I'm the opposite," I claim.

"Fine your not stressed your over-whelmed," he compromises.

Whatever over-whelmed and stressed means the same thing but I don't want to argue anymore. I see my mom's pale, freckled, and sweet face with her golden locks tied up in a ponytail. With her soft, but stunning green eyes and she is speaking,

"First lesson about any type of athlete; dancer, runner, swimmer, and more. You have to take care of your body by eating properly, sleeping, and of course not leading yourself to pass out of exhaustion. Your body is a temple; if it doesn't have a strong foundation it will collapse. Please promise me you won't lead yourself  to pass out in the future."

I hear muffling sounds like voices but I can't hear them clearly.

"Harper," Nathan muffles while waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"What?" I state pushing his hand away.

"Are you okay? Your eyes were tearing up," Nathan asks.

"It's nothing; I'm fine. Why?" I respond.

"No, it's nothing! Just a minute ago you were arguing with us about your health. And then you went into a daydream or something and somehow forgot everything we were just talking about," he comments.

"I just realized something okay," I state.

"Through what? I'm worried about you. Lately, you have been through much and you keep dozing off or something and-and I don't know what you're seeing to make you tear up so much. Today I have seen you happy to mad, mad to sad, sad to joy, fine to whatever, whatever to shocked, shocked to serious, serious to excited, excited to exhaustion, exhaustion to the unconscious, unconscious to confused, confused to annoyed, annoyed to understanding, and now understanding to secretive. I know that times can be hard but if you don't tell anyone you can't get out of the hole without someone holding a rope or lending a hand. I-I just want to help and you're not being yourself; your-your being secretive-" he lashes.

Wow, I didn't know he cared that much about me. Have I been secretive lately? I don't even know what's real, a dream, or a nightmare.

I interrupt,

"Okay, I'll open up; ask me questions and I will answer."

"What do you see when you daydream to doze off?" he asks.

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