Ice Skates

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"Come on! I'm going to be late," I say throwing my cup away.

"Okay, then let's go," Nathan agrees.

"How long are you going to practice?" Nathan asks.

"I was hoping till seven and we skate for about an hour," I suggest.

"It's up to you, not me," he comments.

"Ha, ha very funny," I state.

"What?" he states shrugging his shoulders.

"Really? You are always trying to tell me what and not to do," I respond.

"Well, you told me not to worry about you tonight," he responds.

Before I could speak again, we walk into the doors and Grace announces,

"There you are!"

"Sorry, we got caught up while getting hot chocolate," I reply.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on go get dressed and put on your skates," She states.

"Okay, Grace. Nathan just sits on the bleachers to watch," I claim.

I enter the rink and Grace states,

"Let's run through your short program."

"Got it," I respond.

I get into my starting position. The music starts and I begin. Music starts, backward skating, reach right and reach left-, Grace calls out,

"Squzee everything! Don't travel in your flying sit spin!"

Okay, I jump up and start spinning down. I grab my leg and I did four rotations round. Yes! I didn't travel this time! I bring my arms and head down closer to my butt into a layback spin with speed while spinning I grab my left leg with my left hand. While my right hand is straight up. My blade is right next to the middle of my head, known as the layback to haircutter. Kick leg reach with both arms over. Wipe hands over my eyes, then duck my upper body around with my left foot in the air.

"Okay, Perfect! Try your quad axel!" Grace shouts.

I jump while crossing my feet still in the air rotating, I count in my head. One, two, three, four! Yes! I land while throwing my leg behind me. I bring my arms and head down close to my butt into a layback spin with speed while spinning I grab my left leg with my left hand. I bring my foot down to go into my spreading eagle. I open my legs and shoulders wide and I glide facing out.

Grace exclaims, "perfect!"

"Amazing Harper! Now your Axel, lutz, toe loop!" Grace shouts.

I jump while crossing my feet and I count in my head. One, two, three, and four. Yes! I land while throwing my leg behind me. I dig my toe pick and jump in the air and count, one, two, and three. Yes! I dig my toe pick and jump in the air, with my arms squeezed around my chest and count one, two. I land throwing my left leg back behind me.

"Amazing!" Grace is ecstatic.

Reach right and reach left. Wipe hands over my eyes, then duck my upper body around with my left foot in the air. I get out of it by standing up slowly.

"Remember hold it for sixteen seconds after in position" Grace adds.

Okay, remember 16 seconds. Then I bring my arms and head down close to my butt into a layback spin with speed while spinning I grab my left leg with my left hand. While my right hand is straight up. My blade is right next to the middle of my head, I continue to raise my leg all the way up when it was still bent above my head my left hand grabbed my left leg with my right hand. I raised it completely straight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen! I drop my leg.

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