The Fall

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"Come on Harper you've got this! Mary, Maci, Rayleigh, Marrissa, and Kade have already gone. You can beat them you've got this. Again got out there and kick ass!" Nathan pep talks.

"I know, Nathan. I don't need this from you. I'm not down anymore," I state.

I have my mom's costume on and I can feel that she's here with me. I take off my jacket and put on foot on the ice and hear Mary,

"Break a leg," she laughs.

"Welcome Harper to the rink! Performing to 'Thousand Years' by Christina Perri," Ezra announces.

I push off the wall and stop with the edge of blades on the ice in the middle. The music begins,

I drop my upper body with my left leg still up in the air. I grab my right ankle with my right hand. My left hand is gliding on the ice. I'm going backward, so I can't see in the direction I'm moving.

I bend my leg while my arm is behind me. I grab my blade with my pointer and middle finger below the blade and my ring finger and thumb are over the blade. I lift my leg straight up in the air and then I bring my other arm in front of me. I drop my right hand back and I drop my left hand in front. I grab my right ankle with my right hand and fully extend it while gliding into the ice. Kick leg over, reach with both arms over. Duck my upper body around with my left foot in the air. I bend over and kick my feet up high one after the other. I bring my arms and head down close to my butt into a layback spin.

I jump up and start spinning down. I grab my leg and I did four rotations. I pop up right into I jump while crossing my feet and I count in my head. One, two, three, and four. Yes! I land while throwing my leg behind me. I dig my toe pick and jump in the air and count, one, two, and three. Yes! Then I bring my arms and head down close to my butt into a layback spin with speed while spinning I grab my left leg with my left hand. While my right hand is straight up. My blade is right next to the middle of my head, I continue to raise my leg all the way up when it was still bent above my head my left hand grabbed my left leg with my right hand. I raised it completely straight. I jump while crossing my feet and I count in my head. One, two, three, and four. Yes! I land while throwing my leg behind me. I bring my arms and head down close to my butt into a layback spin. Okay, I jump up and start spinning down. I grab my leg and I did four rotations round. Yes! I didn't travel this time! I spring out of it into a flawless double toe loop. I bring my foot down to go into my spreading eagle. I open my legs and shoulders wide and I glide facing out.

Kick leg over, reach with both arms over. Duck my upper body around with my left foot in the air. I bend over and kick my feet up high one after the other. I bring my arms and head down close to my butt into a layback spin.

I jump up and start spinning down. I grab my leg and I did four rotations. I pop up right into I jump while crossing my feet and I count in my head. One, two, three,  I can see the car with a branch through the window leaves all around me and Lyllie. "Mom!" younger me scream. My mom! My mom laying on the steering wheel! Damn, it! No! No! I fell during my performance what do I do! I hear the music playing, "to fall. but watching-"

and Ezra announces, "Harper just fell on her second quad! Was her first on just luck?"

I turn my head and I can see Nathan's hands pushing telling me to get back up. Okay, I have to get back or I fail. Okay right on the salchow. I put on foot on the ground and stand back up. The music isn't there yet, "Stand alone." Okay, let's go. Then I bring my arms and head down close to my butt into a layback spin with speed while spinning I grab my left leg with my left hand. While my right hand is straight up. My blade is right next to the middle of my head, I continue to raise my leg all the way up when it was still bent above my head my left hand grabbed my left leg with my right hand. I raised it completely straight. I jump while crossing my feet and I count in my head. One, two, three, and four. Yes! I land while throwing my leg behind me. I bring my arms and head down close to my butt into a layback spin. Okay, I jump up and start spinning down. I grab my leg and I did four rotations round. Yes! I didn't travel this time! I spring out of it into a flawless double toe loop. I bring my foot down to go into my spreading eagle. I open my legs and shoulders wide and I glide facing out.

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