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"Does that mean I get to perform with Harper?" Heidi breaks the silence.

"Yes. That is what that means," Grace answers.

"Come on Harper! Let's go get ready and warm up!" Heidi excites.

She grabs my hand and starts to pull when I state,

"Okay! Okay! You can let go." She lets go of my hand.

I sit on the bench and lace-up skates.

Grace starts,

"Heidi go out to the center of the rink and start when I start the music-"

Heidi interrupts,


Grace continues, "Harper, while Heidi is doing her part. I will explain what you will be doing."

"Sounds great," I respond.

"Nathan start the music!" Grace demands.

"Okay, right now you guys are doing the same thing," Grace comments.

Hand movements do I do the same movements or something different? Assisted spiral do I go the same direction or opposite? Layback, hand movement glide which looks like I should be holding her hands. Double toe loop, skating backward I think we are supposed to skate around each other with how Heidi is moving. Fan kick to illusion, layback to hair cutter, double axel, wow I didn't know Heidi could do those jumps and spins! She turns around probably to face me. Hand movement glide which looks like I should be holding her hands again. Hands breakdown, assisted spiral,

"That will be a Chinese spiral for you," Grace comments.

Double axel to single toe loop,

"Quadruple axel to triple toe loop for you," Grace adds.

Sit spin,

"Sit-sit spin for you," she comments.

Hands back to gather, layback spin I'm guessing the same for me since she hasn't commented anything else. Haircutter,

"Candlestick for you," she adds.

She gets out of it and stands there,

"Then you guys will hug for the ending pose," she adds.

Clap! Clap! Clap,

"You did awesome Heidi!" I exclaim while she is skating over.

"Thank you," Heidi says hugging me.

"How did you learn all that in a few weeks?" I ask.

Grace chimes in,

"I'm guessing she learned from watching you because most of those moves took us only a few hours to learn. I think she is a visual learner, while you learn by doing."

"That makes sense," I agree.

"Are you ready to learn since you have to perform tomorrow?" Grace questions.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I respond.

"Okay. Before I play the music I want to get the choreography down first. Then we will put to music. After you have down with music then we will add Heidi to get you guys syncopated. Sound good?"

"Sounds good," I agree while skating out to the middle of the rink.

"Do the same hand movements as Heidi was doing!" Grace yells.

I start with my hands on my face then bring them down-

"Into assisted spiral!" she adds.

I drop my right hand back and I drop my left hand in front. I grab my right ankle with my right hand and fully extend it while gliding into the ice.

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