The Pond

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"Hello, Horrifying Harper," Ave bumps into me.

"Really? You think that will make me upset," I state.

"Oh, look the little birdy broke out of her shell," she laughs.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask.

What happened to her in a span of a week! Is Mary really that toxic?

"No. What's wrong with you?" she snaps.

"Where did nice and kind Ava go?" I ask.

"What do you mean? I'm the same Ava when you knew me," she answers.

"No your not!" I state.

"Yes! Yes, I am!" Ave shouts.

"No your not. And before you interrupt let me explain. You never dropped out of a competition, you never trashed talked anyone. You especially didn't blame people if you didn't see it happen or understand what someone else was going through. So what changed you so drastically?" I claim.

There was a pause.

"You know what Ava? I think I don't need someone around in my life that brings me down, uses me, and especially someone that will not bring back horrifying flashbacks," I rage.

"What do you mean horrifying flashbacks?" she asks.

"Well maybe if you noticed how your ex-friend spaces off and comes back crying and frightened, you would put two and two together. And maybe and not cause your friend to have them," I claim.

"How would I make you have them?" she asks.

"Kaylie and my mom. You know when I get those I can hear your sister mumbling, 'help me,' the second before she passed and I can hear my horrifying scream when my mom died. And do you think the visual is any better?" I tear up.

"How would I know that?" she asks.

"The thing is since you know death and clearly you are still grieving maybe you should think about that question one more time," I suggest.

"That's what I thought," I smirk.

I stormed off holding back my tears.

Nathan and Heidi run over,

"What happened? I heard Ava shouting and you talking."

"Ave was trying to physic me out and I stood up for myself; instead of cracking under pressure," I state proudly.

Nathan replies,

"That's what I have been waiting for in you! You finally have your confidence back after eight years!"

"It feels good to not let anyone push you around," I claim.

"It should," he agrees.

Heidi changes the subject,

"Are you ready to put on our costumes and make-up?"

"Yes. Let's go, so we won't be late for warm-ups," I respond.


"Ouch!" Heidi yells while putting in a bobby pin.

"Well, well, well look who it is?" Mary walks into the bathroom and leans against the wall.

"What do you want, Mary?" I ask putting Heidi's hairpiece in.

"Why, would I want anything?" she plays.

"Oh, come on," I give a dirty look.

"I only came in here to wish you bad luck," she laughs.

"And I'll just say break a leg," I come back.

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