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I see the bright warm light shining through my windows across my room. How much did I sleep? I feel great and energized. I can do this I feel great. I swing my covers off and swung my legs over the side of the bed and I felt the cold, smooth, and hardwood floor on my feet. I stand up off my bed; my legs don't feel like noodles like they did last night. I walk to the bathroom and turn on the water to the shower. I undress and hop into the shower, with the hot, warm, and relaxing water hits my body and rushes down and I feel relaxed.

I go back to my room and I put on warm-up gear so my leggings, my team jacket, and a t-shirt. My dad and my siblings are asleep, but I have to wake up Heidi to get her ready for a warm-up this morning. I walk into Heidi's room and first I say,

"Heidi. Heidi."

I shake her a little bit. She rolls over and stretches her arms out and asks,


"Remember it's the day to compete," I state.

She hops up in her bed and looks like she was going to scream so I state,

"Please be quiet we're the only ones awake," I whisper.

"Oh, sorry," she apologizes.

"Come on let's get you in your warm-up gear, then we can eat," I suggest.

I open her dresser drawers and pull out leggings and a t-shirt.

"Here go put these on," I state holding them.

She grabs them and whispers yells,

"Okay, I'll go put them on!"

She runs out the door and I pull out her personal team jacket from her closet. I hide there two days ago.

She runs back in and claims.

"I'm done-" she pauses.

"Wait is that my own jacket?!" she continues.

"Yes. It is," I state.

"But I'm not part of the team," she states confused.

"No, but because Ava-umm never mind but the team isn't the same so we made new jackets, so we have the same jackets and so does Grace," I explain.

"Really?" she excites.

"Yes. Come on how do you want your hair?" I ask.

"Two french braids, like you told me last night," she states grabbing a brush and hair ties.

"That's for after warm-ups. I mean a ponytail, ballerina bun, messy bun, or a simple braid?" I explain.

"Oh. What are you going to do?" she asks.

"A simple french braid," I answer.

"Then I want the same thing," she claims.

"Okay, then sit down in your chair," I claim.

I take the brush. I brush out all the snarls and knots.

"Hand me a hair tie," I command.

Heidi reaches her arm back and hands me one.

I split the top part of the hair into three at the top and I start weaving while adding hair into the braid. At the bottom of the scalp, I take a rubber band and secure the braid.

"All done," I state while flinging the braid around the right side.

She grabs the braid and runs her fingers down it while stating,

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