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What do I choose I have two sides of me! One is yes because I want to prove to all the haters but, mainly Mary, but I also want to say no because I don't lose anything in the future.  Would my mom be happy with me if I did take it? But she's not here right now so why should I be asking myself that?

Uggh why is life so hard? Why can't I be a character in a storybook where all my decisions are made for me already? All I want to do is have everybody love me, but why does everyone hate me? I follow all the rules. I just want to run away from society and live with Nathan, but that will never happen.

Wait! I'm supposed to be making a decision. I just don't know. Do I prove to everyone and myself or do I keep it safe? I don't know, I state,

"Could I decide tomorrow?"

"Sure. I guess that's fine," Mary snorts.

Then Mary storms out of the rink.

"Why do you need more time isn't it obvious that is a scam," Nathan blurts.

"What do you mean?" I request.

"Well, you said she is sly as a fox most times. So wouldn't she still try to steal the gold and the Olympic title?" Nathan states.

"Yeah, but the only way for me to lose that title is if I get a penalty but I'm always careful when around other skaters," I claim.

"Yeah. I know but please be careful of who you make a bet with," Nathan insists.

"You don't have to look after me," I add.

"I know but that's what friends do," Nathan comments.

"Thanks," I claim.

"Your welcome. Let's go have some fun," Nathan suggests.

"Yeah, we do still have till eightish," I agree.

Suddenly, I could hear loud thumps on the roof going thump, thump, thump, and the roar of thunder.

"That sounds nasty out there," Nathan states pointing to the door.

"Yeah, it does. It's pitch blackout," I agree.

"Do you think it will be safe to drive home in an hour?" Nathan asks.

"I don't know, maybe," I answer.

A worker states over the intercom,

"There is a dangerous storm going on right now and because the roads are terrible and you can't see. Nobody is allowed to leave the building for safety purposes. Please head to the renters counter to get supplies around nine if you are not allowed to leave by then. Thank you for listening."

"Well, I guess that answers my question then," Nathan jokes.

"Yeah, it sure does. Well, I've got to call dad to tell him," I add.

"Yeah, I have to call mine too," Nathan notes.

I walk over to the lockers and I call my dad.
Dad responds,


"Um, so because the storm is bad so I can't leave the arena. I don't know what time I'll be home," I claim.

"Yeah, I know. Is Nathan still there?" Dad asks.

"Yes, he is," I reply.

"Okay, stay safe," he adds.

"You too. Love you," I note.

"Love you too, bye," he adds.

"Bye," I say ending the call.

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