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ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ

ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ: xxᴠɪɪɪ.

Sinking into the sudsy bath water, Thazina felt like she could finally relax. She closed her eyes, savoring in the heat as her muscles loosened. It was quiet in the room, save for the gentle splashing of water as she wrung out her hair.

She sat up straighter as she considered something, raising her hands above the water. Focusing, she snapped her fingers, a sharp breath escaping her as a small flame flickered to life between them. It died as quickly as it came, but she could still feel the lingering heat in her bones.

It was only then that she realized there was a dress on the chair before her, neatly folded and waiting for her. It was a pretty thing, so light a blue it was nearly white, decorated with pretty white lace. Thazina smiled as she climbed from the tub, closing her eyes and letting a warm heat spread through her bones until she was certain she was dry.

The dress fit well enough, and while it did feel strange to be wearing something so bright rather than her usual dark attire, Thazina had to admit she liked it. She fixed her hair into a braid, letting the red locks fall over her shoulder.

She found Ciri in the hall, dressed similarly in an ivory gown decorated with silver beading. The princess smiled at the sight of her. "You look pretty," she noted.

Thazina nearly laughed. "Not nearly as pretty as you, my dear," she said, clasping the girl's shoulder.

Nivellen was in the middle of a story when the pair entered the room, a smile at his lips as he asked Geralt, "Brigands were tougher in our days, eh?"

His smile fell when he looked to the girls, rising to his feet. "Thank you so much for this," Ciri noted, gesturing at the white fabric of her gown. "My other clothes were ready to run away by themselves."

"You've been too kind," Thazina added. "Thank you very much, Nivellen."

He nodded faintly, something strange in his tone as "But of course. Uh... you both look lovely." He waved a hand, bidding them sit. Thazina sat beside Ciri, smiling despite herself as Nivellen summoned a meal with a wave of his hands.

"Roast venison, sage truffles, sweet wine, and lots of it!" he declared as full plates fell before everyone's respective seats.

Geralt reached quickly for the pitcher of wine, pouring a cupful. "And for you, only the best," Nivellen continued. "Witchers' quail." He laughed as a hunk of meat fell to Geralt's plate.

Geralt was not amused. "That's a good one," he said, throwing it aside with a faint smirk.

Nivellen's laughter was a welcome change from the screams at Sodden. "I jest, I jest!" he said, eyes dancing with good humor. "Mountain pheasant for my friend!"

As the cooked bird fell to his plate, Geralt's hand shot out to catch it, stopping it from rolling away.

"You'll have to teach me to do that," Thazina noted as she reached for the wine pitcher. "I don't know any spells that can conjure things out of nothing. There's usually... well, there's a give and take with magic, but I'm not seeing any take."

Nivellen chuckled, winking in her direction. "A smart man never tells his secrets," he said.

She snorted into her cup, taking a long drink of the sweet wine. Nivellen set his eyes on Ciri as she tore into the meal. "Very good, eh?" he asked.

"Mm, very good indeed," the girl said.

"Has he told you how we first met?"

Ciri shook her head, "No. He's not especially chatty."

"No," Nivellen agreed.

Thazina watched as Geralt set his food down, listening carefully. "I'd like to hear, though," Ciri said.

Nivellen smiled. "It's my favorite tale," he said. "You see, this snow-capped sourpuss here was hired by the most horrible monster of all, my father, to clear our woods of a wyvern infestation."

Ciri nodded along in understanding. "I've seen those in books," she noted.

"Horrid creatures," said Nivellen, turning in his seat to point at a painting on the wall. "See that weak young whelp of a lad? That was me. And I tried to prove myself to my father by killing one first. But instead... I fell into the damned beast's lair."

He pointed a finger at Geralt as he continued, "This one pulls me up by the scruff of the neck and slays the wyvern snapping at my nethers. What do you think he does next?"

"Chides you for your foolishness?" Thazina offered, earning a laugh.

"Might have better if he had," Nivellen admitted, smiling all the while. "Instead, he hands me the wyvern's head and tells my father I was the one that killed it."

Ciri smiled at that, looking at Geralt with a brow raised. He didn't look up from the bit of food in his hand. "Had to clear the forest of the entire pack. Got paid either way."

"Nonsense!" cried Nivellen. "He's a big softie. I tell you no word of a lie, young Ciri. It was the first and last time... I saw my father proud of me. After that, Geralt and I became friends, of a sort, over many a summer."

Geralt smiled. "Since we're telling no lies, tell us about your curse," he said.

"In front of the girl?" Nivellen asked, waving a hand toward Ciri.

"She's tougher than you think," Geralt answered.

Nivellen nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. "I was a gormless young twat," he said, picking his words carefully. "That's how. Fell in with a bad lot. I trashed the Temple of the Lionheaded Spider. High on godflesh mushrooms."

"All the mushrooms in the world wouldn't make anyone that stupid," Geralt stated.

"If only it was so," Nivellen said, shaking his head. "After the damage was done... this priestess cursed me to live like this. Forever. Alone."

"Not forever," Thazina said.

"Hmm?" Nivellen questioned.

She shook her head as she elaborated, "There's always a countercurse. A cure. Did- - did the priestess say anything?"

"She screamed something about love and blood. I don't remember. I'll be honest. I've tried to end it, Geralt. More than once. But I kept coming back. That priestess won't let me off so easy."

Geralt let out a sigh. Thazina bowed her head, taking another drink from her wine.

Love and blood.

It was how all the saddest stories went.

ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ (Geralt of Rivia)Where stories live. Discover now