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ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ


The morning that Tissaia de Vries came for Thazina was like any other. Thazina was helping her mother with the morning chores, stirring the pot hanging over the fire as she detailed the events of her latest dream.

Thazina wasn't like most girls her age. 

Her dreams told her the future.

"A woman," she was saying. "At the palace. She had a crown, but it wasn't the queen. She looked a little like her. She was sitting at a high table and speaking of war with- -" Thazina closed her eyes as she tried to remember. "With Nilfgaard?" She looked at her mother for guidance but didn't receive and answer. "There was a man." She closed her eyes again as she thought. "Eist? I think that was his name, at least. He said he saw the Wraiths of Mörhogg. What does that mean?"

Again, her mother didn't speak. She sped up her pace with the needle and thread she was working with, leaving messy stitches on the dress in her hands. 

At the sound of a knock on the door, she jolted, her blue eyes going wide. "Thazina," she said in a strained voice. "Get- - get the door, please."

Thazina rose, doing as told. 

A woman stood on the other side. She was shorter than Thazina but her presence was imposing all the same.

"Oh, it is you," Thazina's mother said, relief flooding her voice. "Please, you can take her now. The things she's spouting, it can't be just imagination."

The woman offered her mother a small smile. "I understand. And I thank you for finally allowing her the chance to grow."

"Take me where?" Thazina asked, looking between her mother and this stranger. "Mother, who is this?"

"My name is Tissaia de Vries," the woman said in a kind voice. "Tell me, Thazina, do you know what you are?"

"I'm just me," Thazina answered, eyebrows furrowing. 

Tissaia chuckled faintly, shaking her head. "You are you, yes. But you're so much more powerful than you might think. Haven't you ever wondered why you can see what no one else can?"

Thazina nodded weakly. "Yes," she said.

"You're magic," Tissaia said gently. "And with some practice, sweet child, you can be a mage. You can be powerful. But only if you come with me."

"Where?" Thazina demanded, looking at her mother. "Where would I go? Could I come back here?"

Her mother looked forlorn, eyes brimming with tears. She looked toward Tissaia, her voice firm. "I don't want her here. The others, they're afraid of her. I thought- - thought that maybe it would go away. She can't be here."

Tissaia reached to take Thazina's hand. "Come with me, dear. There will be friends for you. Friends like you."

"Go with her, Thazi," her mother said, her voice starting to waver. "Go. You'll be better off there."

"Where?" Thazina pressed. "Where am I going?"

Tissaia's grip on her hand tightened. "Aretuza," she said.

"Where is that?"

Tissaia smiled softly. "Come along, my dear. And all your questions will be answered in due time."

ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ (Geralt of Rivia)Where stories live. Discover now