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The boy sat cross legged on the floor and played with his white stuffed bunny, a gift made and given to him by his mother when he was five. The sound of heavy footsteps drew his attention behind him. Jungkook got to his feet, hugging his bunny close to his chest as he approached. He didn't like this man, the way he looked at him made Jungkook uncomfortable, though he didn't know why.

"What're you doing boy?"

"Playing with Bunny."

"Are you now? Well how 'bout we play a game together?"

Jungkook took a step back, "What kinda game?" He asked warily.

"It's called the 'Pony' game, you like ponies don't you?"

"I like ponies."

The security guard smirked, "Of course you do, so how about we play? I'll be the pony and you can ride me."

There it was, that look that made Jungkook wary and uncomfortable. It felt like the man was undressing him with his eyes. Jungkook shook his head.

"Come on, it'll be fun." The man said as he grabbed the boy's arm, pulling him down the hall towards the security office.

"N-no, I don't wanna play." Jungkook said as he tried to pull free from the older man's hold, who tightened his grip. Jungkook began to panic as they drew closer to the office. Something deep within him screamed at him to not go in there, to get away from this man and run. He quickly dropped to the floor, his dead weight bringing the man to a halt.

The security officer turned to the boy, towering over him. Before he could say anything, Jungkook kicked out, hitting the man in the groin. He felt the man's grasp loosen and yanked his arm away before scrambling to his feet and running the opposite way.

"AHHH," the guard yelled out in pain, "COME HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He yelled out in anger as he immediately ran after the boy.

The sound of running and yelling echoed behind him as Jungkook ran through the hospital's hallways, desperate to get away from the man giving chase.

He was scared.

With the offices and rec rooms locked for the evening, and his room, which was located in the attic, back the other way, passed the now angry guard, he had nowhere to go.

"Wh-what do we do Bunny?" The boy asked his only friend, his voice trembling as the man's footsteps grew louder the closer he got, and hugged the stuffed bunny even tighter in fear. "But, we're not allowed to go there," he said, as if the plushie responded to his desperate question.

"You're being a bad boy kid, and when I get my hands on you, you're gonna be punished, unless you stop running and come here, now!"

Jungkook picked up the pace, his feet taking him in the direction of the only place he had always been warned not to go. He turned into the corridor that led into the forbidden wing of the hospital, the large metallic door lumed ahead, the 'RESTRICTED AREA' sign brightly illuminated under the overhead light. He almost slammed into the doors as he skidded to a stop, and quickly raised shaky fingers to the keypad to the right of the door, hovering over the keys in hesitation.

"Bunny, are you sure? Doctor uncle told us to never go in there because it's where they keep the monsters."

Jungkook looked behind him to see the man grow so close he could see him smirk, "Nowhere to run now boy."

The look sent chills down Jungkook's spine. He quickly punched the code into the keypad, the small security light changing from red to green.


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