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Jungkook sat upon his bed, drawing in a notebook with the colored pencils one of the nurses had gotten him, when he heard two knocks on his room door before it began to unlock. Jungkook wasn't afraid, as only one person had the key to his attic room, Dr. Nam.

"Hello Jungkook."

"Hello Dr. Uncle."

"What are you doing?"

The doctor closed the door behind him before walking towards Jungkook and sitting upon the edge of his bed.

"Drawing hyungs. See?" Jungkook lifted the notebook for the doctor to see, a proud look on his face.

"Yes, I see that. You're very talented."

Jungkook smiled brightly, "Thank you. I'm gonna give it to hyungs when I'm done."

The doctor softly pet the boys head and spoke gently and carefully, "Jungkook, I understand why you went into the restricted area, despite being told not to, it was the only place you had to hide, but," he took a deep breath before continuing, "Jungkook, I know you like your new hyungs, but remember, they are kept there for a reason, okay?"

"But, they don't look like monsters?"

"Sometimes, the scariest monsters are the ones we least expect, and trust the most."

"Like appa."

Doctor Nam's eyes widened slightly at the boy's emotionless voice and facial expression when he spoke those two little words. He'd never known the boy to be so devoid of emotion before. "Your appa wasn't a monster." He said softly.

"Eomma said he was. A monster with a pretty face and black heart. A monster that fed off her like a parasite over and over again. I'd hear her cry in her sleep, I watched her scream and cry and hurt herself, begging him to stop touching her, to get off her, let her go, even though he wasn't there, until you and the nurse aunties made her stop. Eomma said appa was a monster. She wouldn't lie to me."

"What else did your eomma tell you?"

"The only thing monsters fear are monsters more terrifying than they are. Find the monster, the monster's fear the most." Suddenly the boy's blank eyes lightened again, his emotionless face coming to life again with a bunny smile, it was like a switch was flipped as he spoke again, "Like my hyungs!"

Doctor Nam looked at the young man humming happily as he continued to color his sketch, seemingly forgetting all about the doctor and the conversation they just had, and wondered for the first time, if something hid behind the boys innocence or if his 'hyungs' were already beginning to take a hold of his mind.


The residents of Wonderland were dangerous, too dangerous to be allowed to leave their heavy security ward. That's why all was provided for them here. Living and dining area sharing the center of the large area, a bathroom towards the back of the room, to its left, was an open medium sized room strategically decorated with various flowering potted plants creating a type of indoor garden, a chez lounge and patted wooden bench sat within the room, flanked by potted rose bushes. To the right of the back wall tucked away in the corner, was the counseling room, which is where Dr. Nam now found himself. Seated across from him was, who was once one of his fellow colleagues of phycology, if he hadn't become a 'remote control' murderer and becoming a resident of his hospital, Park Jimin.

Jimin was ...a difficult patient. Not by behavior or attitude, or being uncooperative, but by the simple fact that, as a psychiatrist himself, he tended to lead the session where he wanted it to go, speaking or answering with questions of his own or in seemingly outright riddles. The man could talk circles around you if you let him.

"Jimin, I'd like to talk to you about the boy, Jungkook."

Jimin, lounging upon the plush loveseat, rested his head upon his hand which sat upon the loveseats arm, a wide amused smile upon his face, "Now, that is an interesting topic of discussion isn't it?"

"Why haven't you killed him?"

"To ask why I haven't killed him is to insinuate that I've killed anyone. Are you calling me a murderer, doctor?" Jimin said with a giggle, smile seeming to grow, "Not very professional." He sang.

"Let me rephrase the question, why have you, and the others, befriended the boy?"

"Why do people befriend anyone?"

"You're avoiding the question."

"To avoid a question is to give no answer, I have given you one, it's simply not the answer you want."

"What makes Jungkook so special, that he was spared the same fate as Kang?"

Jimin slightly jumped in his seat in excitement, "AHA, now that is indeed the question isn't it." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his chin on the palm of his hands and head tilted to the side in curiosity, "What makes Jungkook so special. This is curious isn't it? What makes the boy so special." Jimin's eyes bore into the doctor. "That is the question isn't it, a question most curious. What makes Jungkook so special, to have the privilege to move around so freely, to have access to us?"

Nam shook his head, "What are your intentions toward the boy?"

Jimin sat back, movements graceful, cat-like, his smile like that of a cat who got the cream, "You evade the question. He must be special indeed. How very curious."


Jungkook had submitted his assignment for his last online class of the day and shut down his laptop, "All done," he said happily as he picked up Bunny from he sat beside the laptop, "Now we can visit hyungs. Maybe we can have a tea party with Tae Tae hyung! He has the best tea parties."

Jungkook practically skipped through the hallways, waving at the nurses, security, and old custodian that have always been kind to him. A few patients roamed the halls as they traveled from one room to the next, but most left the boy alone, though there were a few he instinctively knew to steer clear of, luckily none of them were around.

As he turned the corner that would lead him to the restricted area he bumped into someone coming from the opposite direction, causing him to stumble back a bit. "You okay there kid?"

It was a patient. Jungkook could tell by the clothes he wore.

"Y-yes, I'm fine, thank you." He clutched Bunny tightly as he sidestepped around the big man, however the man blocked his path.

"What's your name?"

Jungkook shook his head as he took a step back, refusing to answer.

The man smiled, though Jungkook saw it for what it was, empty. "Where are you going?"

Another head shake and step back.

The man took a step toward him, "You must be lost, the only thing down that way is the restricted area. Come let me show you the way back." He reached out for the boy, only for Jungkook to hastily step back several steps, avoiding the man's outstretched hand, "Don't touch me, my hyungs won't like it." Jungkook suddenly spun on his heels and ran back the way he came, not stopping until he reached the safety of his room in the attic, slamming and locking the door behind him.

Once safely in his room, Jungkook sighed as he sat upon his bed, turning Bunny to face him as he spoke, "So much for seeing hyungs today, Bunny." He looked at the white rabbit attentively, listening to what his best friend said, "What?," he asked Bunny, listening carefully, "You're right," he sighed, "hyungs won't be happy he tried to touch me." 

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