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The door to Wonderland slid open, admitting the doctor, nurse Song with a new breakfast cart, and an old janitor brought along to clean the...mess the residents left behind after their night-time activity.

The janitor stayed by the entrance to begin his duty of cleaning up as both doctor and nurse went further into the ward. Nurse Song wheeled the large cart toward the long dining table situated in the center of the room, which it shared with the living area, and began to unload the cart of all the breakfast dishes and arranged them on the table.

Dr. Nam continued to the King and Queen's shared room, they were the only patients to do so, as they had quickly learned that to try and separate the King from his Queen was dangerous, and stood before the thick bulletproof glass, watching the Queen continue to gently stroke the sleeping boys hair upon the bed, the King sitting in one of the armchairs in the corner of the room reading one of his many books. The residents of Wonderland definitely had more privileges than the others in the hospital, but then, they weren't...normal residents. The ward itself was as large as an open floor plan home, the individual rooms each of them occupied was the size of an average living room, all of them decorated to the owners liking. Again, unlike the other residents of the hospital, who had small rooms barren of any decoration with the exception of family photos taped to the walls.

"Do I have cause to be concerned for the boy's safety?"

"If I wanted the boy dead, he would be." The queen stated, never taking his eyes from the sleeping boy as he continued to pet him, almost lovingly.

"How did you get out of your rooms?"

"We were let out."

"Why did you kill the night guard?"

The Queen stopped petting the boy and rose from his seat upon the bed on which the boy lay, the King looked up from his book, closing and setting it aside as he too rose from his seat slowly, eyes boring into the doctor. Both stood shoulder to shoulder before the door, faces void of emotion, the queen's voice equally so as he spoke, "I didn't kill him."

"Not personally, no, but you do know why he was killed."

The queen leaned forward a bit, mere centimeters from the glass that separated him from the doctor, a small smile gracing his plump lips, "Why ask a question you already know the answer to," the queen whispered before leaning back and speaking louder, "Now, will we be allowed to eat breakfast before it grows cold?"

Doctor Nam, knowing this conversation has ended, nodded once before stepping back and headed for the security door, passing the cells that housed the 'Twins', one smirking at him, the other waving at him playfully, as he exited the ward.


It was already shaping up to be a long and hectic day, with the exclusion of his tasks, such as therapy sessions, paperwork, phone calls, etc, he also had to deal with a fight in one of the rec rooms between two of their more violent patients, in which security had to be called, a patient relapsing and found harshly banging his head against the wall in the bathroom while screaming 'shut up' to the voices only he can hear.

Surprisingly, Kang's death was the easiest thing to deal with, as he had no emergency contact information in his work file, no next of kin labeled, so they were able to handle his death quietly. He was sent to the morgue and will be buried in a day or two.

Dr. Nam sighed heavily. Then there were the residents of Wonderland and what they wanted with the boy. Though they were the hospital's less troublesome and problematic patients, make no mistake, they were the most dangerous. They were polite, cooperative, well-mannered, and above average intelligence. That's what made them so dangerous, the ability to blend so easily into normal society.

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