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' indicates what's written in the letters '


Jungkook was glad to be with his hyungs again, he missed them.


He watched the boy exit the little stationery shop. He looked so much like her, especially his eyes. He loved her eyes. Especially when they were filled with tears and wide with fear. It made him wonder. Would the boy's eyes be the same?


-Who is the boy with the innocent eyes?-

It was only one sentence, but it was enough to put him on guard. 

-Why does he remind me of her?-

With the second letter, he prohibited Jungkook from going outside, and thankfully the boy asked no questions.

-Do you keep him from me?-

He promised.

He promised himself; he promised her he'd keep Jungkook safe. He promised Jungkook would never know the man that destroyed his mother. 

-He looks so much like her.-

He won't let him near the boy.

-I know who he is now, he was hers, which makes him mine. And I want him.-

"Never," Nam whispered fiercely, hand crumpling the letter he held. 


It was the witching hour, a time when most avoided the monsters and demons that came with that darkest night, but Dr. Nam stood face to face with one of the worst.

He stood calm and stoic in the face of Wonderland as they surrounded him.

"You want to know why Jungkook is so special, well, I'll tell you, but in return, I want you to protect him. If you care for him as I believe you do, you'll protect him from the monster I failed to protect his mother from."

"Curiouser and curiouser." 

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