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Jungkook skipped through the hallways of the hospital, stopping every so often to place a bunny sticker upon the room doors of other patients, while humming.

"Hello Jungkook."

Jungkook stopped and looked up from the door he was placing a sticker on toward the voice that called out to him to see one of the night security guards walking in his direction.

"Hello security uncle." Jungkook smiled.

"What're doing?"

"I'm giving my special bunny stickers to everyone who is nice to me, see!" Jungkook pointed at the sticker now decorating the door of a patient's room, with a big bunny smile.

The guard looked at the sticker and nodded, "That's very nice of you."

"You've always been nice to me and bunny too," Jungkook pulled a sticker from his sticker sheet and, stepping forward, stuck it to the guards uniform, "There!" he exclaimed as he stepped back.

The guard looked at the sticker for a moment before looking at the boy happily smiling at him and smiled, ruffling the kid's hair. "Thanks," he said, "Now, it's late, you should head to bed, kid."

Jungkook nodded his head, "Okay." He stepped around the guard and headed towards his room, turning to walk backwards to say, "It's a special sticker, it protects you from monsters, so don't take it off okay!" The guard smiled and nodded. "Bye security uncle, night!" Jungkook called with a wave as he turned forward and continued to walk away.

The guard watched the boy walk away, disappearing down another hallway before shaking his head with a smile and light chuckle. Jungkook was a cute kid. He often wondered how the boy stayed so innocent and could be so happy while living in a place filled with violent, shattered minds. Turning on his heel, the guard continued with his rounds.


Dr. Nam Sunwoo watched as the newly shredded files burned to ash within the flames of the fire. He wasn't sure if he was making the right decision, but it was the only one available to him. He'd do anything to save Jungkook. He promised her.

"You were the only one to ever tell me no, and I always hated you for it."

The doctor stoked the fire one last time before rising to his feet, face calm as he turned to his brother. He wasn't surprised to find him in his home, on the contrary, he had been expecting him. "Someone had too, you were always a spoiled brat."

"You're simply jealous that I was our parents' favorite child, that I was loved more than you."

"There's nothing about you to be jealous of, and they didn't love you, they merely bought your obedience. They pampered and catered to you in order to keep you under their thumb, to mold you into what they wanted you to be. Though instead of getting the puppet they wanted, they got a monster."

"Perhaps, but in the end, I always got what I wanted, they did not."

Nam nodded and hummed, "Yes," he said in agreement, "though it's a shame, you would've made a better puppet than you do human being."

They spoke calmly and casually, as if they conversed about the weather rather than one of them being a spoiled, narcissistic, megalomaniac psychopath.

"Oh, come now hyung, am I really that bad, after all, if you didn't fail as a son, they wouldn't have needed me. I'm merely a product of my upbringing."

"Yes, and I warned them of what you would become, what you were becoming, but they wouldn't listen."

Minsung chuckled lightly, "They never did, but then, I never gave them reason to listen to your words. However, I didn't come here to be analyzed. You have something that belongs to me. I want it."


Minsung's hands were suddenly around his brother's neck, "I hate being told no."

Nam managed a breathy chuckle despite his air being violently constricted, "G-Go ahead and th-throw your tantrum, the answer is still, n-no."

Minsung released his brother once he choked every last bit of life from him, letting the body fall to the ground, neck ringed with dark, ugly bruises, "I hate being told no, hyung."


Minsung stared up at the looming asylum. The boy was in there somewhere, the boy that reminded him of her. The boy with the big innocent eyes begging to be filled with pain and tears. He knew there were guards inside, but they were no threat, after all, they were armed with nothing more than a baton, pepper spray and perhaps even a taser. He, however, was armed with a knife. A very big hunting knife.

They wouldn't be able to stop him from taking what was rightfully his, and the boy was his. They had no right to tell him no.


The stolen key card beeped, unlocking the front door and allowing Minsung inside the dark, ominous hospital, his eyes immediately meeting those of two guards. They stared at him through the thick plexiglass windows of the security office. They stood unmoving, eyes vacant and glazed over, as if hypnotized.

He looked at them for a moment, wondering why they didn't stop or question why he was there or how he got in, before a giggle drew his attention. Slowly turning his head to the left, he saw him.

The boy he came here for.

He stood in the middle of the hallway in a pair of light blue jeans and a white button up under a powder blue sweater, a white stuffed bunny in a red waistcoat hanging from one of his hands. Their eyes met, the boy's nose crinkled as he smiled big and bright.

"Hello," the boy said cheerfully, before quickly turning on his heels and sprinting down the long corridor as he laughed, "Goodbye!"

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